How do I edit the command line?

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How do I edit the command line?

Post by Edge100x »

By default, instead of using the command line for most server settings, we use the configuration files in the Config/UTGame folder. The line near the top of UTEngine.ini that starts with "LocalMap=" contains most of what other hosts would put on the command line used to start a server. We initially preferred LocalMap because it has an expanded character set available than the command line, with (theoretically) no limit to its length and fewer security implications in its use. However, it is subject to some bugs that we discuss in a different FAQ topic.

We also now give renters the option to specify starting settings through the command line. This can be done through the "Server control" link in the control panel. When this option is used, UT3 ignores the LocalMap line in UTEngine.ini.

Some of the settings you see in example command lines can also be specified in other places. For instance, the ServerDescription variable is now deprecated and must be set as ShortName / ServerName under the [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] section of UTGame.ini. Many other starting variables such as DefaultGame can also be set in UTGame.ini, under [Engine.GameInfo].
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