Ping Booster

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Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

My CS:S team and I loved the 10K FPS server we tried, so immediately canceled it and rented a box from you.

We want to be able to run at least one private CS:S server on our box with 10K FPS, and realize the only way to do this must be with a ping booster.

I checked, and could only find one mention of being able to use a ping booster with our server. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by Edge100x »

For CS:S, "ping boosters" apply to Windows servers only (Linux servers do not need them, as the game runs at whatever FPS the kernel and its sv_ticrate setting allow, up to a 1000fps). With Windows 2003, a ping booster can get the server up to near-constant ~500fps, and with Windows 2008, a ping booster can get the server up to a fluctuating 900-1000fps or so.

The program that I recommend for basic "boosting" is srcdsfpsboost.exe, and it's located in the "c:\Game installs" folder on newly installed dedicated servers. Just double-click on this program to open it, and close it whenever you need the effect to go away.

One reason that we recommend Windows 2003 to dedicated server / VPS customers is its more stable FPS, which comes from the way that it handles system timers. Linux and Windows 2008 will not provide as stable of FPS; although the possible FPS can be up to 1000, it will have more dips.

Anything higher than 1000fps requires special Linux kernel code extensions that we are keeping in-house as of right now and are made available exclusively through the "ultraaccelerator" and "extreme accelerator" options on our order page. These extensions not only increase the possible FPS, but also make it even more stable than on Windows 2003.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

In all honesty, this is a bit of a disappointment, as we had anticipated full NFO quality of our game servers within a box we decided to rent from you.

If you were any other provider, I would understand. However, you provide game servers to video game players and teams. You also provide "ping booster" technology (which I understand has to be severely tweaked to get as nice as you guys have it) for 2000-10000 FPS servers.

When a team is reviewing your website for possible upgrade from our current setup with you, and decide to go dedicated to host more than one of these cool servers, you should have a blaring red flag for the common user that states that your "ping boosting" technology is reserved solely for server renters, and paying more than double to rent a box will not come with this.

You should (imho) find a way to provide 10K fps servers to your clients via their dedicated box, even if that means setting up their game servers for them and restricting access to the registry folder or whatever it is you are tweaking. I'm sure your reasoning is that you don't want your kickbutt coding to get leaked. However, losing quality to prevent code leak rather than being proactive and finding a way to provide for the demand, will ultimately lose clientele (like me.. too blindly trusting to have to dig through a trusted company's site for fine print..), and in turn, profits.

Just some constructive (hopefully?) criticism (and maybe a little frustrated undertones :P). I still say you guys host the best game servers in the market.

I assume that because I am typing about the FPS limit, and the supposed "ping booster", my post will be considered relevant, and not be deleted/moved? :) I just don't know with you guys anymore! Take care.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

NifeEnAnkh wrote:When a team is reviewing your website for possible upgrade from our current setup with you, and decide to go dedicated to host more than one of these cool servers, you should have a blaring red flag for the common user that states that your "ping boosting" technology is reserved solely for server renters, and paying more than double to rent a box will not come with this.
That is my main point, as I assume you are probably already working on a way to let us host "boosted" servers on your dedicated boxes (I would hope). 200 a month is a waste for a team looking simply to have more than one 10K FPS CS:S server, then finding out that they can only host 1K FPS servers (actually 500 FPS on the Windows boxes...). We could have had a public and a private 10K FPS server for the same price, roughly, and been much happier customers.

I'm sure, as experienced in servers as you (NFO) are, you realize that 500, and even 1000 fps these days are worthless for CS:S. Especially since you have spoiled us all with your 2000-10k+ servers.

I would be happy with getting back the 10K fps server, not getting a refund (I guess for not reading the fine print), and reverting back to the normal game server fees after the month is up. 500-1000 fps just makes everyone laugh when I tell them, member or not.

The box is awesome, love the specs, etc. It's just not very useful to me as a top of the line gaming machine. 4 2.66ghz cores just to host some 1000 FPS CS:S servers.. I'm sure you see the predicament.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by Edge100x »

I'm sorry that you were disappointed. This is the first time this I've had someone expect that our dedicated servers would run at higher than 1000fps and order based on that expectation.

With our dedicated servers, the administration is up to the renter. These are meant for experienced admins and the control is in their hands. We don't provide a special operating system or utilities -- we load a standard OS and standard game servers, then essentially let our customers take it from there. This is the same thing that other unmanaged dedicated server providers do; the main difference between us and other hosts is the quality of the bandwidth and hardware that we use.

The best time to ask about this would have been before you ordered or before the machine was shipped (within a couple of days of the email I sent you after your order). I always answer emails promptly and it would have been easy to cancel your order during those times. I will still do my best to help you in email, though it will cost NFO a lot more now -- please send me one so we can discuss the available options.

250fps, 500fps, and 1000fps servers can actually still be very good. The main determiner of performance in CS:S is the realized tickrate, and all of these can run at a tickrate of 100. A higher FPS can help lead to more predictable performance (when properly managed) but many people don't notice a difference. I talk more about this here: ... =25&t=3266
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

Unfortunately, you are very correct. Buyer's remorse. I know this, and thats why I'm not really an angry customer. We had just expected that because NFO is so well known for outstanding gaming servers, it would go hand in hand with renting a box from you.

We didn't realize, so it's our fault. But (I think) you should still put a warning there for idiots like us.

I'm a tiny, tiny bit experienced in servers and networking, however when it comes to tweaking Linux registry for FPS boosting the way you guys do, I'm a complete moron.

As far as 1000 fps servers being comparable to 10000 fps, I don't think you honestly believe that. Or, you have never played CS:S. I understand FPS works far differently in Source than in 1.6 Counter-Strike, however there is a noticeable difference that long-time (10 years now) players can feel very well. Game physics, registry, pings, and net_graph stability are all improved with more FPS.

I appreciate NFO, and have nothing against them, or their exquisite customer service. Like I said earlier, this is a simple case of buyer's remorse.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by Edge100x »

NifeEnAnkh wrote:Unfortunately, you are very correct. Buyer's remorse. I know this, and thats why I'm not really an angry customer. We had just expected that because NFO is so well known for outstanding gaming servers, it would go hand in hand with renting a box from you.
I want you to be a satisfied customer. Please shoot me an email at when you get the chance so that we can work out how to transfer this into game servers for you.
We didn't realize, so it's our fault. But (I think) you should still put a warning there for idiots like us.
Nod, I understand. I will add this as a FAQ question and try to find a way to put it onto the order page. It's tough to put much more info there, though =\.
As far as 1000 fps servers being comparable to 10000 fps, I don't think you honestly believe that. Or, you have never played CS:S. I understand FPS works far differently in Source than in 1.6 Counter-Strike, however there is a noticeable difference that long-time (10 years now) players can feel very well. Game physics, registry, pings, and net_graph stability are all improved with more FPS.
I have been told by several other customers that they can tell the difference as well. I think that much of this difference you are seeing between our 10000fps servers and 1000fps servers from other hosts comes from our acceleration technology locking the FPS so solidly to what it should be, rather than allowing it to fluctuate as it would with the naked Linux kernel.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

Edge100x wrote: I have been told by several other customers that they can tell the difference as well. I think that much of this difference you are seeing between our 10000fps servers and 1000fps servers from other hosts comes from our acceleration technology locking the FPS so solidly to what it should be, rather than allowing it to fluctuate as it would with the naked Linux kernel.
I have to agree. When we test your 25000FPS, I watch the stats, and it tends to dip down, giving a "rubber-band" feeling at some points. The 10,000, however, you have worked out pretty darn well. It never seems to drop below 9,700 when I watch it, and for the most part likes to stay at 1101.11FPS. Bravo.

No worries on making a happy customer. Once I realized that I should have researched a little better before making a purchase like that (as well as my team, who as you know probably helped point me in the box direction :P), I wasn't frustrated with you guys anymore. Besides, I know it probably costs a bit to set it up for us in the first place.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by NifeEnAnkh »

Also, as for naysayers of any FPS over 1,000 (esp. 10,000), they are thinking too hard about the programming aspect. Sure, its hard to tell how there could be a significant difference, but sometimes you just have to get your hands (mouse and keyboard?) dirty, hop in a few CS:S servers, and feel the difference.
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Re: Ping Booster

Post by Edge100x »

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