20 min connection time for new cod4 server

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Re: 20 min connection time for new cod4 server

Post by Edge100x »

I wouldn't recommend spending too much time manually chasing down and blocking other server IPs that seem to be querying your server. Attacks can be difficult to pick out and block, and they aren't typically damaging to the reflected server.

If you are seeing a ton of attacks and *do* notice a difference when they're blocked, you could try blocking the most commonly spoofed server ports (27015, 28960, etc). Or, on Linux, you could go a step further and use firewall rules to limit the number of queries per second accepted from each remote IP. Or, you could work on a script to check the IPs querying the server and see if they are on a game master list, then block them if they are.
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Re: 20 min connection time for new cod4 server

Post by gominator »

No, blocking IP's is not doing anything unless one is interested in blocking every IP on the net. Port blocking seems to be the only route. Windows firewall leaves alot to be desired..we are going to try a script next..I am totally convinced that this is our timeout problem. When using Wireshark we find we are not getting a response back from Activision for 20-25 mins when restarting or creating a new server. Our other box (not at NFO) Responds back almost immediately and is not being used as a reflector. If port blocking does not get a handle on this we will have to look at more drastic measures. We need servers to be available directly after restart or creation. 20-25 minutes is not acceptable. Cross your fingers
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