1v1 Server randomly crashing

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1v1 Server randomly crashing

Post by mennes »

Hello, I have been troubleshooting a random crash that occurs on my 1v1 server. There doesnt seem to be any console logs that point out the issue, but it seems to do it quite randomly. I think having the server populated makes it crash faster, but it doesnt seem resource related.

Installed mods/plugs:

sourcemod 1.7.3-git5214
Splewis's multi1v1
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Re: 1v1 Server randomly crashing

Post by hiimcody1 »

Are you seeing anything in the sourcemod logs themselves?

They should live somewhere like csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/
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Re: 1v1 Server randomly crashing

Post by laterbreh »

mennes wrote:Hello, I have been troubleshooting a random crash that occurs on my 1v1 server. There doesnt seem to be any console logs that point out the issue, but it seems to do it quite randomly. I think having the server populated makes it crash faster, but it doesnt seem resource related.

Installed mods/plugs:

sourcemod 1.7.3-git5214
Splewis's multi1v1
You are not alone, 4 Of my 1v1 servers have random crashes using the same mod. I cannot seem to trace what is causing my server to crash and restart. Sometimes they are stable for hours hours and hours, and then there are times they will crash and restart 3 times in an hour. Same with console.log everything just seems normal when it crashes.

This wasnt an issue before a few patches ago, If you recently upgraded sourcemod try and install a lowest version acceptable by SPLewises mod and increment up from there. Ill look and see what version I'm on one of my servers has less issues than the others on different versions of sourcemod.
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Re: 1v1 Server randomly crashing

Post by laterbreh »

Also, I just perused another thread here that solved some errors they were getting by manually installing sourcemod and not using the auto installer. Try installing the latest one manually, if the issue persists, I would try then my suggestion of using the lowest supported version of sourcemod that is supported by your plugins etc.
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