Updating Rust Server VDS

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Updating Rust Server VDS

Post by Alykah »

Hey guys,

I'm the head admin on a new-to-this-server-host server and I need help! The owner walked me though how to update it last night and it's NOT WORKING.. The update is out. He told me to literally just close out of the cmd type window and run the batch file (mine is labelled playrust if that helps). I had already updated the information in the config file that needed to be updated (server map seed, etc).

I clicked it and it was running, there was something that said downloading in the new cmd window. It showed what looked to be percentage progress as it had multiple lines that said Downloading blah blah blah 12.25, 12.9, etc. Then it said Error! and continued with other messages that were not downloading, like it stopped. I tried closing and running the batch file a few times and it would go for a few more lines and then stop and Error! again.

Please help! My players are waiting and I'm freaking out a bit. Any resources for me would be a godsend.


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Re: Updating Rust Server VDS

Post by Edge100x »

It's hard to say what might be going on with your setup without more information, such as the error message.

Try opening a command window using Start->cmd.exe, and running the batch file from there. That should allow you to see the error message without the window closing.
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Re: Updating Rust Server VDS

Post by Alykah »

Edge100x wrote:It's hard to say what might be going on with your setup without more information, such as the error message.

Try opening a command window using Start->cmd.exe, and running the batch file from there. That should allow you to see the error message without the window closing.

Error! App '258550' state is 0x606 after update job

That is the error message I'm getting
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Re: Updating Rust Server VDS

Post by Edge100x »

That's not one I've troubleshooted before personally.

You might try deleting the Rust install entirely and recreating it. Or, you might try adding "validate" after "app_update 258550" and have it check your files.

Also, make sure you still have free hard drive space.
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