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Mani mod admin commands

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:38 pm
by kraze
ma_kick "player name" – This command will kick a player off the server.
ma_ban "time" "player name" – This command will ban someone from the server. In "Time" you decide for how long you want to ban someone from the server. To ban someone permanently use the number 0.
ma_slap "amount" "player name" – This command will slap a player and take away health to a amount you set. If you just want to slap a player then leave out the amount of health you want to take away.
ma_map "map name" – This command will change the name in the server.
ma_slay "player name" – This command will slay any player in the server.
ma_say "message" – This command will allow you to say a message to everyone in the server.
ma_csay – This command will allow you to say a message in the middle of the screen to everyone in the server.
ma_chat – This command will let you chat with other admin’s privately.
ma_mute "player name" – This command will allow you to mute annoying players.
ma_dropc4 "player name" – This command will make a T player drop the bomb.
ma_swap "team" "player name" – This command will let you swap a player to either team.
ma_noclip "player name" – This command will make player fly through the map. This is good for when a player(s) get stuck.
ma_givecash "player name" "amount" or "#ct/t/all" "amount" – This command will give money to one player, all ct’s, all t’s or all players in the server.


ma_givecash #ct 16000 – Will give money to CT’s only.
ma_givecash #t 16000 – Will give money to T’s only.
ma_givecash nightlinks 16000 – Will give money to one player only.
ma_givecash #all 16000 – Will give money to all.
ma_gravity "amount" – This command will make everyone make high jumps. The default setting is 800. The lower the number the high players go.

Fun Commands…

ma_blind "player name" "amount" – Turns a player screen black.
ma_freeze – Freezes a player.
ma_teleport – Teleports a player to different points in the map.
ma_drug – Turns a player sideways.
ma_burn – Puts a player in flames.
ma_timebomb – Makes a player a ticking time bomb.
ma_firebomb – turns a player into a walking fire bomb.
ma_freezebomb – turns a player into a freeze bomb.
ma_health "player name" "amount" – Give health to a player with low heath.
ma_beacon – Makes a player a beacon. ... e&Itemid=8