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Assault Shack
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Post by Assault Shack »

I'd like to take this time to thank NFO and everyone who works live chat support.
I cannot really say how much I love NFO, they are simply the best and blow anyone else out the water. I've had my server with them for a GOOD time and ive never had ANY problems with lag, or performance wise. I never get complaints about laggy server or shitty reg, i'd have to say NFO might be a little more expensive but it pays off in the long run . Also alot of other places advertise this "24/7 live support" but in reality its some STUPID ass "support ticket" bullshit, NFO on the other hand is REALLY live chat support. Anyways, i've tried out Art of War Central and they are simply horrible, their servers suck compared to NFO and thier 'live support' system is a joke. Thier webpage goes down or gives mysql errors like 15 times a day, the control panel is slow as shit as well. I've decided that since NFO is the best I went ahead and got myself another CS server, so thanks NFO for your excellent service and wonderful servers. YOU GUYS ROCK! 8)

I highly recommend NFO to anyone looking to get your own server, as NFO BLOWS EVERY competitor out.

Tony Montana [Assault Shack]
PS: if you think im lying about thier excellent servers?
Check it out for yourself:
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