problem server L4D2

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problem server L4D2

Post by 3nf »

Hello, yesterday install a server L4D2, but can only enter 4 players, and I want to be 8 players.... I install the plugins extensions:
L4D(2) Super Versus
Left 4 Downtown

and server.cfg

l4d_survivor_limit "4"
l4d_infected_limit "4"

//--> Gametypes sets the gametypes you want your server to run
//----> Versus Only: sv_gametypes "versus"
//----> Survival Only: sv_gametypes "survival"
//----> Coop Only: sv_gametypes "coop"
//----> Both: sv_gametypes "versus,coop"
sv_gametypes "versus"

//--> mp_gamemode sets the gametypes that your server is allowed to run, IE Voting
//----> Versus Only: mp_gamemode "versus"
//----> Survival Only: mp_gamemode "survival"
//----> Coop Only: mp_gamemode "coop"
//----> Both: mp_gamemode "versus,coop"
mp_gamemode "vesus"

//--> Steam group # to assign to server
sv_steamgroup 0

sm_cvar fps_max 0
//--> Uncaps the servers maxfps limit
//--> (May be restricted by server provider on command line)

//--> Do not connect to the Match Making Service
//--> "0" = Off
//--> "1" = On
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0

//--> When Enabled, Steamgroup members take priority when joining
//--> The server. However, anyone may join as long as a steamgroup
//--> Member has joined first. Slots are only reserved while they
//--> Are available in this manner, and a minimum of 1 slot is
//--> Reserved, because when a steamgroup member connects to the
//--> Server, other players will be able to connect. If there are
//--> Other players connected and the steamgroup member disconnects
//--> A random player will qualify to fill the remaining slot.

//Allow connections without creating lobby
//--> "0" = Off
//--> "1" = On
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

//--> Default is "0". When Enabled, cannot connect to
//--> Games currently in progress.

//--> All talk - Allow both teams to use audio chat to speak with each other
//--> "0" = Off
//--> "1" = On
sv_alltalk 0

//--> Region - This sets the lobby in which your server will be part of
//--> You will want to set this to the closest location to your server
//--> eastcoast - sv_region 0
//--> westcoast - sv_region 1
//--> south america - sv_region 2
//--> europe - sv_region 3
//--> asia - sv_region 4
//--> australia - sv_region 5
//--> middle east - sv_region 6
//--> africa - sv_region 7
//--> world - sv_region 255
sv_region 0

//--> Allow use of cheats
//--> "0" = Off
//--> "1" = On
sv_cheats 0

//--> Disabled by default. Recommend using Admin Cheats Extension if you
//--> Wish to enable this. See below in this file.

sv_contact ""
//--> Admin Contact email address to display on serverinfo.

// Log Settings
sv_logfile 1
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_log_onefile 0

// Rate Settings
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 30000

//sm_cvar mp_gamemode versus
//--> sourcemod override forcing gamemod.
//--> versus, survival, scavenge, coop.
mp_gamemode versus
//--> Custom Modifications for a competitive hike

sm_cvar director_adrenaline_density 3.56
//--> How much Adrenaline should there be for every
//--> 100 sq ft in each level.

//sm_cvar director_convert_pills 0
//--> Convert all pills to medpacks in non-versus games.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".
//--> server error? If set to 0, disabled medpacks & pills.

sm_cvar director_defibrillator_density 0.0
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.

sm_cvar director_pain_pill_density 5
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.

sm_cvar director_super_weapon_density 0.0
//--> How much super weapons (Grenade Launcher, etc.)
//--> should there be for every 100 sq ft in each level.

sm_cvar director_tank_force_offer 1
//--> Force the director to spawn a tank on each level.
//--> Remember, the director can only force a tank spawn
//--> On levels that have "possible" spawn locations already.
//--> There are some levels that do not have tank spawn
//--> Locations, and as a result, this does not work on all levels.

sm_cvar director_upgradepack_density 3.56
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
//--> Upgradepack refers to fire rounds, etc.

sm_cvar director_vomitjar_density 3.56
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.

sm_cvar versus_tank_chance 1.0000
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to levels excluding first and last per campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.

sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_finale 1.0
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to finale level in each campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.

sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_intro 1.0
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to only first level of the campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.

sm_cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 0.0
//--> Refers to the variable chance of tank spawning
//--> in a different spot for each team.
//--> "0.0" = same spawn spot per team.
//--> "5.0" = 5% map distance variation CHANCE.

sm_cvar versus_witch_chance 1.0000
//--> See versus_tank_chance Above.

sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_finale 1.0
//--> See versus_tank_chance_finale Above.

sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_intro 1.0
//--> See versus_tank_chance_intro Above.

sm_cvar versus_witch_flow_team_variation 0.0
//--> See versus_tank_flow_team_variation Above.

sm_cvar tank_stuck_time_suicide 9999999999
//--> Prevents tank suicide when stuck.

sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max_intro 0.9
//--> Tank can spawn up to 90% of map distance in first level.

sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max 0.9
//--> Tank can spawn up to 90% of map distance in levels
//--> Excluding the first level.

sm_cvar vs_max_team_switches 9999
//--> Removes the limit of team switches per map.

//sm_cvar director_vs_convert_pills 0
//--> Convert all pills to medpacks in versus games.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".

sm_cvar director_tank_lottery_selection_time "2"
//--> How many seconds the tank waits to give an infected
//--> Player control of the Tank. During this interval
//--> The AI controls the Tank.
//--> Default "4". Set to "0" to remove AI control completely.

sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_max 22
sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_min 22
//--> Maximum/Minimum amount of time (in seconds) for players to
//--> Wait to respawn as the Infected.
//--> Ex: Min/Max both = "22", Infected will ALWAYS have a 22
//--> second spawn timer. If Max = "22" and Min = "15", the
//--> Spawn timer will be random, between 15 and 22 seconds.

//--> Tougher Witch

sm_cvar z_witch_damage "100"
sm_cvar z_witch_damage_per_kill_hit "60"
sm_cvar z_witch_flashlight_range "1000"
sm_cvar z_witch_health "2000"
sm_cvar z_witch_personal_space "400"
sm_cvar z_witch_speed "800"
sm_cvar z_witch_threat_hostile_range "1000"
sm_cvar z_witch_threat_normal_range "800"

//--> There are some items such as medpacks & Defibrillators
//--> that are "static" items in each level. Restricting their
//--> Density to "0.0" will remove all non-static items of its
//--> Kind. There is an plugin that will fix this, but removes
//--> All medpacks including starting medpacks, among other
//--> Things.
//--> This plugin is Confogl. Check it out at
//--> confogl - Project Hosting on Google Code

//--> Left 4 Downtown v0.4.4 SM Extension Commands

//--> Description:
//--> Download at [EXTENSION] Left 4 Downtown (0.4.6) - L4D2 is here and supported - AlliedModders
//--> Unlock Maximum player slots & Updated Developer
//--> Functionality.

l4d_maxplayers 12
sm_cvar l4d_maxplayers 12

//--> Set to "-1" to disable override, and can be set using
//--> -maxplayers or +maxplayers from cmdline instead of
//--> using l4d_maxplayers "xx" command.
//--> "18" is maximum.

//--> Admin Cheats SM Extension Commands

//--> Description:
//--> Download at Admin Cheats - AlliedModders
//--> Allows Admins (or console) to use cheat commands
//--> with sv_cheats 0.

sm_admin_cheats_level "abcdefghijklmz"

//--> Remove // to enable.
//--> z refers to flag. ex: "z", "b", etc.

//--> Super Versus v1.5.4 SM Extension Commands

//--> Description:
//--> Download at [L4D(2)] SuperVersus [1.5.4] - AlliedModders
//--> Allows you to raise/lower player limitations per team
//--> which is normally restricted to "4".
//--> Requires SM 1.3+

l4d_survivor_limit 4
sm_cvar l4d_survivor_limit 4
//--> Maximum number of survivors. Default 4, Maximum: 18.

l4d_infected_limit 4
sm_cvar l4d_infected_limit 4
//--> Maximum number of infected. Default 4, Maximum: 18.

l4d_supertank 0
sm_cvar l4d_supertank 0
//--> Set tank HP dependent on survivor amount.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".

l4d_tank_hpmulti 0.5
sm_cvar l4d_tank_hpmulti 0.5
//--> Tanks HP Multiplier (multi*(survivors-4))
//--> Default: "0.25".

//l4d_XtraHP "0"
//--> Give extra survivor medpacks.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".

l4d_killreservation 1
sm_cvar l4d_killreservation 1
//--> Allows more than 8 players to connect to server.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "1".

//--> Snare Speak v1.9

//--> Description:
//--> Download at [L4D] Snare Speak 1.9 - AlliedModders
//--> Allows players on opposing teams to communicate via
//--> Custom voice channels during "snares".
//--> Ex: Hunter pounces Coach. Hunter & Coach players have a
//--> Private voice channel during this period.

snarespeak_printchannel 1
//--> Prints to chat when voice channel is created/dstroyed.

snarespeak_endofround_alltalk 1
//--> Enables alltalk at end of round.

snarespeak_allowboomer 1
//--> Allows Boomer to create voice channels.

snarespeak_boomertime 10
//--> Time in seconds for boomed survivors to be connected.
//--> Set to 0 to keep channel open until bile wears off.

snarespeak_twoway 1
//--> Allows both the attacker and victim to hear each other.
//--> If set to 0, the victim cannot hear the attacker.

snarespeak_startofround_alltalk 0
//--> Enables alltalk at the start of round, until the safe
//--> Room door is opened. 0 Disables, 1 Enables.

//--> Remove Lobby Reservation v1.1.0 SM Extension Commands

//--> Description:
//--> Download at [L4D(2)] Remove Lobby Reservation (When Full) - AlliedModders
//--> Removes the "maximum" player limit in the server after
//--> players connect from the lobby.
//--> Survival is 4, Versus is 8, etc.
//--> Use in conjunction with servers running >=9 player slots.

l4d_unreserve_full 1
sm_cvar l4d_unreserve_full 1

//--> Set to "1" to automatically unreserve server at "full"
//--> Again, this is 4 for Survival, 8 for Versus, etc.
//--> Set to "0" to require admin to manually enter command.
//--> Type sm_unreserve in console as Admin in-game to
//--> Manually remove the reservation, after the game starts
//--> From the lobby.

//--> L4D Heartbeat Trigger SM Extension Commands

//--> Description:
//--> Download at [L4D] Heartbeat Trigger - AlliedModders
//--> Removes the "maximum" player limit in the server after
//--> players connect from the lobby.
//--> Survival is 4, Versus is 8, etc.
//--> Use in conjunction with servers running >=9 player slots.

sm_heartbeat_auto 1
//--> Makes everyone on the server "heartbeat" when a player

thanks for help me
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Re: problem server L4D2

Post by .=QUACK=.Major.Pain »

You posted Left 4 Downtown in red.

Did you install the l4d2 version and not the l4d?

Looking at your post, it says 0.4.4 where the below post ver. is 0.4.6

Also your setting for superversus, only are set to 4 players, so you will only get 4 players. Have to increase it to what you want.

l4d_survivor_limit 4
sm_cvar l4d_survivor_limit 4
//--> Maximum number of survivors. Default 4, Maximum: 18.

l4d_infected_limit 4
sm_cvar l4d_infected_limit 4
//--> Maximum number of infected. Default 4, Maximum: 18.
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