Do some game server types require an additional fee?

Questions and tutorials about managed game-server-only VDSes and dedicated machines.
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Do some game server types require an additional fee?

Post by Edge100x »

Managed VDS and managed dedicated server customers wishing to run BF3, MoH:W, BF4, or BFH servers here at NFO will need to prepay a monthly amount per player slot they wish to run (much less than the standard rental fee). This is due to unique requirements of these titles that do not relate to the resource requirements of the games.

This BF3/MoH:W fee is 25 cents per slot. The BF4/BFH fee is 37.5 cents per slot, in a separate pool.

The slot purchase option is available to VDS customers through the order page, and current servers can be adjusted to add these slots with a regular change order operation. Dedicated machine customers can add slots by contacting us directly and requesting the adjustment, after the server is set up and the subscription has been started. The slots purchased can be used for game servers with the same fee amount interchangeably.
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