Starwarsrp Help Needed

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Starwarsrp Help Needed

Post by VirtuousGamer »

I want to add starwarsrp gamemode to my server, NFO Support doesn't really know all about that. I already downloaded the gamemode, everything is setup, gamemode. But when I go into the server, I keep getting script errors which are lua errors and they're like impossible to fix. I don't know how to fix this. I've tried like everything, if anyone knows how to make it so that I can fix that, please tell me.


[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" on line 413.
The best help I can give you is this:

'validateJob' is being called like it is a function, but in reality it does not exist (is nil).

- You are doing either stuff.something(<otherstuff>) or stuff:something(<otherstuff>). The 'something' here does not exist.

The responsibility for this error lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua on line 413
2. gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua on line 82
3. gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua on line 137
4. gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua on line 148
5. gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/init.lua on line 82
------- End of Simplerr error -------

Re: Starwarsrp Help Needed

Post by stickz »

Could you please post the lua code contained within the following file using code tags?

Code: Select all

It appears the lua script is not accessing 'validateJob' properly. Lua is saying you can't call 'validateJob' like a function because it isn't one.
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