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How do I customize my map cycle?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:37 pm
by kraze
Customizing your map cycle in Insurgency is a bit different than other games. Due to Insurgency have multiple game types and modes your map cycle is split up into a few different files.

Before you know which files to edit you first need to know which game type you are running. This information can be found out by looking in your server.cfg for the "mapcyclefile" variable. To view this file go to your NFO control panel and select "server.cfg" from the drop-down menu on the "File manager" tab.

You are looking for the name immediately after "mapcyclefile". For example, yours could say "mapcycle_coop.txt". If so, you would then view the "File manager" tab in your control panel and look for that specific map cycle file. Select the edit option to view the contents of this file and modify to your liking. Save the file and reboot the server so your changes can take effect.