Server overload question

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Server overload question

Post by lescodilla »

I have a few questions:

1. Do you have more than one game running on a server? If so, how many do you guys allow?

2. If the server starts to lag due to too much games or players running on that server, how do you go about taking care of it? Do you simply move the most recent customer onto a different server?

3. Does it cost extra to have your own dedicated server?

4. Lastly, if I start getting or receiving bad hops, do you guys offer re-routing? Do you charge extra to re-route a customer to different and/or closer routers to have less hops?

Thank you in advance,
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Post by bOoya »

1. Yes we do, and I really can't give you a number as far as the maximum servers per machine go, because we have many different types of machines that are capable of running a pretty big spectrum of servers.

2. If there appears to be a CPU usage problem that is causing lag in the server, we will generally ask the person that comes to us with the problem if they would like to be moved to a different machine. Note that due to load balancing procedures which happen each morning, this does not happen very often.

3. We don't currently offer dedicated servers, but sometimes a very large server will get placed on it's own machine.

4. If you are getting 'bad hops' then we would need you to email us a tracert, which we will take a look at to see if anything we can do will fix the problem. Our own routers as well as InterNAP's routers allow us this luxury. Often times it's something we can fix, but many times an individual's ISP is having problems in their area, and it's impossible for us to re-route you around that. (There is no charge for this service, but we cannot always guarantee a fix due to aforementioned circumstances)
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Do you offer more than 2 day trial?

Post by lescodilla »

Thanks for the reply,

Lastly, is there anyway you guys can offer more than just a two day trial? I don't think two days is long enough for a hardcore gamer to make a decision and leave their current hosting company to go to yours, would you agree?

My server I currently run is offered 24/7 and is fully packed even at the most oddest hours like between 2-5am in the morning. I ask if I can get more than just two days because the current game hosting company I started off at was great for about a good month then went to @hit afterwards. Now the lag just continues.

Also after experiencing the 100 server tickrates, it's way better and feels like i'm at an actual Lan tourney! which they do not offer but you guys offer that and more. =D

Please let me know if there's some way we can work out a deal to offer more than just a two day trial.

Thanks again in advance...
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Post by bOoya »

Typically we do not offer longer than a 2 day trial. We feel that 2 days is plenty of time to test out a server, and longer just leads to abuse of the trial system.
If you ever start getting higher ping on your server you can always just send us a tracert like I mentioned in my last post.

To discuss the possibility of a longer trial, you can email us at and tell us why you think you need more than 2 days to test a server.
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Post by lescodilla »

Ok I received a reply back from and I guess I'll give it a try.

I was in the process of getting my pings tested but noticed that my firewall is preventing you from publishing my results. Can you tell me what ports I need to open up so that I can temporarily test and see which locations to choose from please?

I'm interested in either LA or San Jose.

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Post by Edge100x »

The ping test uses ICMP packets, so you'd need to configure your firewall to let those through (or if you have a router, configure it to respond).

With our servers, generally the best location is the one closest to you.
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Post by lescodilla »

How fast can you get me up and running if I sign up tonight! Like in the next couple of hours?! =)

Let me know...
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Post by LLLL »

usually within 5 mins of you completing all the steps needed to purchase..
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