Webspace changes for current game servers

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Webspace changes for current game servers

Post by Edge100x »

Tonight we will be changing the way that the free webhosting works for our game servers by spinning off the site and tools provided by the "Website" page into an entirely separate server entry and set of pages. Our new system will be much more powerful, offering additional features such as the ability to login with SSH, unlimited MySQL databases, additional autoinstallers, crontab support, full support for external domains, and integrated website stats and log access.

Here are the most important usability changes :

- Customers will see a tab on the left for the website, separate from the game server. The game server's Website tab will be replaced by a Websync page that handles what our "File sync" did before and has been expanded to work with CoD4 and CoD:WaW servers.

- The xxx.nuclearfallout.net URL convention for websites will be retired and replaced with xxx.site.nfoservers.com. Old URLs will continue to work, but they will be automatically redirected and customers should update their sites to refer to the new pages. (phpBB, for instance, may need its cookie domain setting changed through its administration panel).

- access_log and error_log files will be linked to the /usr/www/xxx folder used as the home directory for each website. Because current pages are also served out of the home directory (something we discourage for new sites -- we allow any subfolder to be specified for each subdomain, now, through the Domains page), we have chmod'd these files to 000 so that nobody can read them through the web.

- Since the email system is now integrated into the website's functionality, new addresses must be added through its Mail page instead of the current game server's Email page. If you have email addresses set up currently, please transition to the new system ASAP.

- Since the new system does not know existing webspace FTP and MySQL passwords, all customers will need to reenter these or choose new ones through the Passwords page for the website. The current site and FTP will continue to work as-is, but the new system's autoinstallers and certain other functions are dependent on it knowing the new passwords, so the pages may not behave properly until they are set.

- If we are hosting a separate domain for you, we'll need you to change the DNS servers to ours and then we'll need to set you up so that you can manage it through our new hosting. Please contact us ASAP if that is the case.

We will be switching game servers over to the new system throughout the day today. A note will be posted to each server's Events log when that server is being converted.
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Re: Webspace changes for current game servers

Post by BnD|Sleeper »

Ah, I'm so resistant to change because I am too old for this. I just want my setup to continue working as-is (which honestly I'm not sure how it is even setup now, lol).

Looks great though! Wonderful functionality but I am concerned people might screw some things up (especially with incorrectly written or unsafe Crontabs). I bet you will keep an eye on resource intensive users which is what I would be concerned about giving people access to Crontabs directly.

Great job, though I will probably not use it much (well... Actually I may switch all my hosting to NFo; send me an email if you guys are looking to help me get my few domains over here otherwise I'll keep tolerating my current host).

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Re: Webspace changes for current game servers

Post by Edge100x »


The current setup should pretty much continue working as-is except in a few unusual cases -- we had to implement it that way or it would just be a nightmare for everyone involved :).

We do closely monitor things on the hosting server and there are restrictions in place for each process to make sure that one compromised user can't overwhelm the whole machine. We'll also be adding more webhosting boxes to spread out the load as we get more sites under our umbrella.

Please do feel free to switch your other domains over to us if you'd like.
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