If you've never used RoR before, you can create an example Ruby on Rails application by following these instructions:
- SSH in to the webserver. You can find the information for this on the "File manager" page in your control panel.
- Run these commands from the home folder to perform most of the initial rails install and change to its directory:
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rails new hello --skip-spring cd hello
- Rails comes with a Gemfile that is broken by default, preventing applications from loading a few important dependencies. We'll need to edit that file.
- Open the Gemfile in your favorite text editor -- nano, for example.
Code: Select all
nano Gemfile
- Cursor to the end of the file and add these lines:
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gem 'sass' gem 'tilt' gem 'binding_of_caller'
- Save the file (press Control-X, press 'Y' to confirm the save, and then press enter to confirm the filename).
- Open the Gemfile in your favorite text editor -- nano, for example.
- Create an example controller by entering this command:
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bin/rails generate controller Greetings hello
- Create a new subdomain through the Domains page in your control panel. For instance, you could define "hello.yourdomain.com". Point its "Folder" to "hello/public".
- Configure a secret key for production use. If you don't do this, you'll see an "Incomplete response received from application" error when you try to load it in your browser.
- Run rake secret to generate a new secret key.
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rake secret
- Copy the key that it created and printed into your clipboard (if you are using PuTTY, you can do this by selecting it with your mouse).
- Open config/secrets.yml.
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nano config/secrets.yml
- At the bottom of the file, you'll see this line:
Delete everything after the colon, leaving just "secret_key_base: ".
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secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
- Paste the key that you previously created after the colon (if you are using PuTTY, you can do this with a right-click).
- Run rake secret to generate a new secret key.
- Save the file (press Control-X, press 'Y' to confirm the save, and then press enter to confirm the filename).
- Visit http://hello.yourdomain.com/hello. The rails app will automatically be detected and it should print something like this:
Find me in app/views/greetings/hello.html.erb