i need help and not sure where to post

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i need help and not sure where to post

Post by s8int »

support wont help me anymore they dont seem to know the answers.ty if u try to help me.ok i have a filezilla and i want to put files onto the server that nfo has set for fast downloads,and i dont know how to log into it.the reason is becase fast dloads arent wrking on some maps and i noticed it wasnt giving me those files that i put on the server.res even though i resynced the files.im haveing trouble as im a noob with plugins i install and have asked for help like "where do i find the config.cfg? but tech support couldnt tell me.im feeling frusterated i cant make resgen work i dont know what file to put what into for these plugins and fast download not working,and many maps wont work.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by Edge100x »

s8int wrote:support wont help me anymore they dont seem to know the answers.
I'm reading the support requests from "s8int" and the staff has been going above and beyond for you, providing all sorts of targeted assistance with topics that we don't normally assist with, and continuing to do so. I am not seeing a situation in which we didn't try to help you with a question.
ty if u try to help me.ok i have a filezilla and i want to put files onto the server that nfo has set for fast downloads,and i dont know how to log into it.the reason is becase fast dloads arent wrking on some maps and i noticed it wasnt giving me those files that i put on the server.res even though i resynced the files.
Our Websync function syncs from your game server to your website and will copy any map-related files that you've uploaded. You can also log in to your website FTP and upload additional items there, if you'd like. The information for the website FTP is on the "File manager" page of your control panel.

If something isn't downloading for you in-game, make sure that whatever is specifying the need for that resource (whether it's a map or plugin) is using the correct case. I've seen problems with files on the server being in uppercase when the plugin asks for a lowercase version, for instance, and this breaks fast downloading. You can tell if this is happening by looking at the error log on the "File manager" page of the webhosting -- you'll see files that aren't being downloaded because they don't exist, and you can look to see if the case is different from what is being asked for. If you do see this happening, change the files to the right cases on the game server, then perform another sync.

If a map author messed up and you need to specify a .res file manually, I recommend auto-generating it with a utility like resgen. Trying to do them by hand is a lot of work when many maps are involved, and it's also prone to mistakes.
im haveing trouble as im a noob with plugins i install and have asked for help like "where do i find the config.cfg? but tech support couldnt tell me.
Do you mean server.cfg? What is requiring that you write to this?
im feeling frusterated i cant make resgen work i dont know what file to put what into for these plugins and fast download not working,and many maps wont work.
Plugins generally should come with installation instructions, and the forum thread is typically very useful at filling in any blanks, since others will usually have the same questions and concerns. What plugin are you trying to install? I can try to pick out the information you need for you from its thread.

If a map doesn't load on the server, most likely you are missing a resource. Since you have an ultraaccelerated Linux server, we provide error output on your "Events log" page that you can use to easily troubleshoot what you're missing -- just look at the most recent crash log and scroll to the bottom to see what the game couldn't load.

Having a highly customized configuration does require more work than using a stock server, unfortunately, and more research to do right.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by Edge100x »

Investigating this now, I just found a glitch with the Websync tool due to a service needing to be restarted, and that might have been causing the fast download issues over the last few days (it stopped working on the 11th, from the looks of it). I've restarted the wayward service and that should work for you again now, unless it really is an issue with the case.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by s8int »

im haveing trouble as im a noob with plugins i install and have asked for help like "where do i find the config.cfg? but tech support couldnt tell me.

Do you mean server.cfg? What is requiring that you write to this?
---the plugin was telling me i had to go to it and no i didnt mean server.cfg
--the rank thing is broken it doesnt change kills deaths
---you guys are way betrr than this other company i dealt with but im afraid server support wont answer my questions anymore they said go here.you guys r great but i liked the old system where we actually had live support.
---so ya like this custom radio commands plugin it gives this info: CVARS
* amx_custom_radio (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables
* plugin (version 0.6+)
* amx_real_radio (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables real
* radio effect
* amx_radio_info (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables
* viewing info about plugin on start of server; Menu configuration file

---now i dont know what file to put these cvars into or how to make it work ur a good guy maybe u feel like telling me plugins.ini?cvars.ini? server.cfg? like i dont know.
*.wav files must be in "moddir/sound/radio/custom/".
Just unrar chosen language to your mod directory, wav files should go automatically to "moddir/sound/radio/custom/".

put custom_radio.cfg in "moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/"
---so i think i got the last one.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by s8int »

ya i cant make regen work i installed it and my friend who knows dos was able to do one but i cant u know what would be sweet if u guys has a resgenerator that u could run on server files.
resgen -f boot_camp -d . -r ../mappack -e hlds_l/cstrike

Read RESGen.txt for more information!

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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by Edge100x »

s8int wrote:---the plugin was telling me i had to go to it and no i didnt mean server.cfg
config.cfg is typically a client config.

I asked for the link to the plugin so that I can go over the installation and clarify them for you -- please give that when you have the chance.
* amx_custom_radio (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables
* plugin (version 0.6+)
* amx_real_radio (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables real
* radio effect
* amx_radio_info (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables
* viewing info about plugin on start of server; Menu configuration file
cvars can be put in any file that gets executed. Since those are AMXX-related, you'll probably want to put them in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg, but it sounds like they're entirely optional -- the defaults already set it to run, so you probably just need to make sure that the .amxx file for the plugin is in the "plugins" folder and also listed in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini. At least, that's the standard installation method.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by s8int »

this is a copy of my plugins.ini as u can see all the plugins r listed
; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
;adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
pluginmenu.amxx ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
HA_maxhealth - How much health is in a HealthStation for everyone [number of HP] (0-100) (Default: 40 HP)
HA_maxplayerhealth - Set the maximum amount of health a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 HP)
HA_healthpersec - Set the amount of HP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 HP should be 8-12 HP per second)
HA_maxarmor - How much armor is in a ArmorStation for everyone [number of AP] (0-100) (Default: 40 AP)
HA_maxplayerarmor - Set the maximum amount of armor a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 AP)
HA_armorpersec - Set the amount of AP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 AP should be 8-12 AP per second)
HA_healthreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same HealthStation again [number in seconds](Default: 30 sec)
HA_armorreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same ArmorStation again [number in seconds] (Default: 30 sec)
HA_gloweffect - Let the HealthStations glow red and the ArmorStations glow blue [0|1] (on|off) (Default: 1)

hlstatsx_commands_cstrike.amxx ; HLStatsX interaction plugin
------the links to these mod r here if i can find em http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=56513 i cant find the others!
--the chicken mod i dont care about it wrks the stuck mod i dont know if it works so its the radio commands one (hey i jus noticed its not listed is it?) if so can u type what im sposed to put and where if u know?
and also this ha-station mod id like to try to get working.
also the stats r screwd up and werent changing last i checked is it because of some stats mod i may have put on? ty
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by Edge100x »

s8int wrote:this is a copy of my plugins.ini as u can see all the plugins r listed

Code: Select all

HA_maxhealth - How much health is in a HealthStation for everyone [number of HP] (0-100) (Default: 40 HP)
HA_maxplayerhealth - Set the maximum amount of health a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 HP)
HA_healthpersec - Set the amount of HP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 HP should be 8-12 HP per second)
HA_maxarmor - How much armor is in a ArmorStation for everyone [number of AP] (0-100) (Default: 40 AP)
HA_maxplayerarmor - Set the maximum amount of armor a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 AP)
HA_armorpersec - Set the amount of AP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 AP should be 8-12 AP per second)
HA_healthreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same HealthStation again [number in seconds](Default: 30 sec)
HA_armorreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same ArmorStation again [number in seconds] (Default: 30 sec)
HA_gloweffect - Let the HealthStations glow red and the ArmorStations glow blue [0|1] (on|off) (Default: 1)  
These are not valid lines. The lines need to reference the .amxx file, and if you want anything else on the line (such as to describe what the plugin does), you need to preface that extra chunk of information with a ; (comment character). The other lines in the file provide good examples of the format -- like this:

Code: Select all

hlstatsx_commands_cstrike.amxx ; HLStatsX interaction plugin
also the stats r screwd up and werent changing last i checked is it because of some stats mod i may have put on? ty
Which stats are you trying to get to run? We generally recommend using the PS3 plugin or the HLStatsX plugin, along with the associated stats install.
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by s8int »

the stats are whatever is used when u type /rank /statsme etc maybe thats hl statsx i was receiveing complaints that it weasnt working and i thought it may have gotten screwd up by something i did to try to get it wrking.u see there is a nfo stats page and i wanted to get that going,i was told go to order page and select it and reorder,but when i did it would always say it was going to charge me more even though i was trying to get only the free once a day update thing,so now i cant remember if i ordered it or not cause i dont want to paya ny more.
as for that stuff i put in the plugin,ini file well i told u i had no idea what i was doing.any idea where that stuff shoulda gone?
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Re: i need help and not sure where to post

Post by Edge100x »

s8int wrote:the stats are whatever is used when u type /rank /statsme etc maybe thats hl statsx i was receiveing complaints that it weasnt working and i thought it may have gotten screwd up by something i did to try to get it wrking.
It does look like you have HLStatsX listed in the plugins.ini file. You should double-check to make sure that it's running, that the database information is correct, and that your HLStatsX install has the latest rcon password input. If you use HLStatsX with us, you can check the rcon password by following the instructions on your "Stats manager" page.
u see there is a nfo stats page and i wanted to get that going,i was told go to order page and select it and reorder,but when i did it would always say it was going to charge me more even though i was trying to get only the free once a day update thing,so now i cant remember if i ordered it or not cause i dont want to paya ny more.
The page won't charge you if all you're doing is adding or deleting once a day PS3 stats, because that is part of our price grandfathering. Just make sure that everything else you choose is kept the same and double-check it on the order response page.
as for that stuff i put in the plugin,ini file well i told u i had no idea what i was doing.any idea where that stuff shoulda gone?
The invalid lines that you pasted in there look like they're optional cvars that you could define (without the comments) in amxx.cfg, after you add the correct plugins to the plugins.ini file.

If someone in your community knows how to run a server, it might work well to recruit them and have them work with you on getting exactly what you need in-game and maintaining it that way.
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