How do managed machines perform?

Questions and tutorials about managed game-server-only VDSes and dedicated machines.
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How do managed machines perform?

Post by Edge100x »

Performance on a managed game server full physical machine (traditional dedicated server) will be nearly identical to a regular game server here of the same type.

Performance on a managed game server VDS will be very good, and generally a bit better than performance on an unmanaged VDS, due to our various tweaks. However, our normal shared game servers (servers ordered through the standard page and not put onto a managed VDS) offer slightly higher performance than any VDS, mostly due to their being on many-core machines with very low load and very little background hard drive access -- VDSes are purchased with fewer cores and may have other customers using the disk.

Timers are also more accurate on bare-hardware, a fact that comes up mainly for very high-resolution (ultraaccelerated+) servers on managed VDSes. As a result, these will have a more fluctuating FPS than our regular shared servers. For performance-critical applications such as invite-level match servers, we recommend using a standard ultraaccelerated server instead of one on a VDS.

Performance is also greatly affected by the overall CPU and memory usage of your individual managed machine, based on how you set it up. You should use the graphs on your "Graphs" page to watch this carefully. CPU usage should stay below 50% or so and there should always be a couple of hundred megabytes of RAM free, or performance will suffer. If one of those situations does occur, you have several choices on what to do:

* Upgrade the machine or VDS to a higher configuration
* Run fewer game servers
* Run lower-FPS or lower-tickrate game servers
* Adjust the game server configurations so that they use fewer resources (by running less intensive maps, fewer player slots, fewer plugins, or similar)
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