What are some rcon commands?

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What are some rcon commands?

Post by Edge100x »

Any setting from the LevelRotation.xml file, such as gl_time, can also be issued as an rcon/XML-RPC command (such as through the "Server control" page tool). Here are some other commonly used commands:

status - Gives a list of the players in the server, time left in the current match, and other information.
kick cx connectionid: Kicks the player with the specified connection ID.
kick id profileid: Kicks the player with the specified profile ID.
kick player - Kicks the player with the specified name.
ban profileid time-in-seconds - Bans a player for the specified time (0 for a permanent ban).
gl_startgame - Forcibly starts the next map (ending the lobby wait)
map mapname - Changes to the specified map
startplaylist type__variant - Starts running a predefined type and variant combination.
g_messageoftheday "text" - Sets the MOTD to the desired text.
g_serverimageurl imageURL - Changes the image URL to a .jpg or .png file of your choosing (128x128).
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