How do I make myself a basic Garrysmod admin?

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How do I make myself a basic Garrysmod admin?

Post by Edge100x »

You can add yourself as an admin in the server by editing the "garrysmod/settings/users.txt" file. Follow the examples in that file to enter your name and SteamID into either the "superadmin" or "admin" sections, or both. Superadmin will give you the most power in server. You will also need to make sure the line you edit is not commented, by removing any leading slashes.

Here is an example of a complete file:

Code: Select all

	// This is your users file
	// You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
	// Add them to the relevant section
	// If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
	// in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

		//"garry"			"STEAM_0:1:7099"
		"Bob"		  "STEAM_0:1:1000"
		"Frank"		"STEAM_0:1:0001"

		"Tom"	 	"STEAM_0:1:4321"
		"Dave"		"STEAM_0:1:12345678"
		"Paul"		"STEAM_0:1:87654321"

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