How do I enable/disable/configure the bots?

The game "BRINK", by Splash Damage.
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How do I enable/disable/configure the bots?

Post by Edge100x »

In your server.cfg file, you can add a number bot-related cvars, if you'd like. If you don't, the standard configuration file that you are loading will set them. Below, we list most of the customizable cvars, and give the baseline default value for each.

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// 0 = bots will not be loaded in the game. 1 = bots are loaded. 
bot_enable 1
// Sets the bot's default aiming skill. 
// 0 = EASY, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = EXPERT, 3 = MASTER
bot_aimSkill 2
// 0 = bots let the player play the hero, with the bots filling a supporting role, 
// 1 = bots do all the major objectives along with the player
bot_doObjectives 1
// Keep a minimum number of clients on the server with bots and humans. -1 to disable
// 16 means to keep the server full of players (bots or clients).
bot_minClients 16
// Has the bots stop thinking when the server is idle and there are no humans playing, 
// to conserve CPU.
bot_sleepWhenServerEmpty 1
// The number of Resistance bots to add to the server. -1 to disable
bot_uiNumResistance -1
// The number of Security bots to add to the server. -1 to disable
bot_uiNumSecurity -1
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