Server Glitch issue

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Server Glitch issue

Post by ProStock »

Hi we have rented a server for bf3 and we have some kind of glitch going on
let say when we playing everything is ok then while playing your player goes in spectate mode of a different player for a while
you cant do notin you have to sucide to get back on your player somes time it comes back to your player if you wait for awhile
or if your not dead this happend on boths teams but it's intermitent this is kinda anyoing
we have players who disscontect because of this can you help us about this issue ?

this is our server configuration

vars.gamePassword ""
vars.serverName "-{FC}- Conquest Ranked Chicago"
vars.bannerUrl ""
vars.serverDescription ""
vars.maxPlayers 32
vars.teamKillCountForKick 6
vars.teamKillValueForKick 4100
vars.teamKillValueIncrease 1000
vars.teamKillValueDecreasePerSecond 50
vars.autoBalance true
vars.killCam true
vars.miniMap true
vars.crossHair true
vars.3dSpotting true
vars.miniMapSpotting true
vars.3pCam true
vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed true
vars.vehicleSpawnDelay 100
vars.bulletDamage 100
vars.nameTag true
vars.regenerateHealth true
vars.roundRestartPlayerCount 4
vars.roundStartPlayerCount 8
vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn false
vars.allUnlocksUnlocked false
vars.soldierHealth 100
vars.hud true
vars.playerManDownTime 100
vars.playerRespawnTime 100
vars.idleTimeout 300
vars.idleBanRounds 0
vars.friendlyFire false

map rotation

MP_011 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_007 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_003 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_001 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_012 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_013 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_017 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_018 ConquestLarge0 2
MP_Subway ConquestLarge0 2

Thx for helping us
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Re: Server Glitch issue

Post by Vanderburg »

This is unfortunately another issue with BF3 that we are hoping will get fixed in R6. We're forwarding logs to DICE, so let's hope they get it.
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Re: Server Glitch issue

Post by Dr.Tek »

I can absolutely confirm that the R6 update did nothing to fix the 3rd person camera glitch. It's really disappointing, I'm at the point where I'm just going to shut down our Rush servers until this is fixed because they're all but unplayable at the moment.

The weird thing is I play on other Rush based servers where the glitch does not occur and the glitch doesn't seem to affect our Conquest server. Does anyone have any recommended server settings that may prevent this (other than changing game-type)? I already have 'killcam' disabled.
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Re: Server Glitch issue

Post by Edge100x »

DICE has a large list of bugs to work on and it sounds like they have focused on a few more critical ones for this update, which is the right way to go about it. I hope that they get to some of these gameplay bugs after they finish up on the crashing problems.

Here is the DICE changelog that was posted to the Events log page:
* Fix for crashes usually occurring during level switches. Server providers may see a little bit of memory leakage instead in this situation
* Game servers should no longer quit in some situations where the online backend servers are down. Server will reconnect to the backend once it's up again
* Fix for ghost servers which didn't accept connections
* Kick reasons should better match situations where they are issued. This will help battlelog provide more accurate information to the player
* Connection fixes to avoid players sometimes being rejected while joining the game server on one of the last slots
* Security updates
* Improved server logging
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