Web Redirect

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Re: Web Redirect

Post by zoots »

kraze wrote:Where exactly are you located?

Slow speed isn't always because of a cap, it could be because of bad latency to Seattle or a routing issue between you and the webserver.

You should try opening a request with a trace route to your website so we can see what we can do to help.

Yeah well I did a ping on bye.site.nfoservers.com and I have a range from 105ms to 140ms.
Im located in Montreal/Canada, which is probably why since it's located in Seattle but like I said it's no big deal, I'll keep using Dropbox.
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Re: Web Redirect

Post by Wizz »

kraze wrote:We do not throttle speed until the file size hits 200megs, I tested the downloads from the link you posted and I saw speeds of 4 MB/s.

Does everyone see these speeds or just you?

Is there any way to increase the size cap to say 250 meg. Reason is that RO2 uses some big you know what map files. We currently have 1 map file that is just over 203 meg and the download is in ksecs while the rest of our files ( <200 meg ) is super fast and works fine.

[WRG] Wizz - Founder/Owner
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