CoD:Black Ops 2

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CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by Danz0 »

Sup everyone just curious if anyone know what's going on with black ops 2 are they going to be doing the same thing as black ops with gameservers being the only providers. i was reading the topic about black ops with gs being the only providers and think that's bs i really hope they failed so other providers like NFO :D can start providing there awesome service towards black ops 2 :D
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by kraze »

Dedicated servers for Black Ops have been confirmed but still no word on how they are doing them :/
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by TacTicToe »

Its official now, Treyarch completely sucks. Dedicated servers, but no server files and you cant rent them. They will supply and admin the servers themselves. I am SOOOO glad I did not pre-order. ... rver-intel
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by kraze »

I give up on the COD series!
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by Edge100x »

Ouch. But, not too surprising. The last few titles have shown that they're really still trying to figure things out over there (and being very slow to do it!).

I am guessing that they will be using the Black Ops contractor again for "their" BO2 servers, but that's pure speculation. We were not contacted for a bid.
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by TacTicToe »

Figure out what?! It was perfect with CoD4 and has gone down hill ever since. Our own ranked dedicated servers, running on our boxes, full control over everything, mods etc.

They arent even entertaining the thought of mods. BO2 didnt even provide real mod support.

I think they are just trying to say, PC players, just go away already. What do we have to do to piss you off so you will just go away...?
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by Edge100x »

They didn't like CoD4's system because it didn't have a global ranking system (which seems to be a requirement for games now) and because it was very widely cracked/pirated. It's also likely that they don't like supporting the dedicated server community. They overcompensated by going with p2p, then dialed it back a little with rentable dedicated servers from a single company, then tried to find a midpoint by allowing dedicated servers being runnable by anyone but only allowing ranked play on p2p servers. It sounds as though they've decided the MW3 plan didn't work out, probably because mod authors found a way around the ranked server limitation, and now they're trying something else.

Other companies are struggling with the same question of how to keep a high level of control over the server code in order to reduce piracy and stats cheating, while at the same time satisfying the community's demands for customizable, personal servers. EA has generally gone with the partner system and a set of locked-down settings for ranked servers. Valve has generally let users run servers, but gives preference to their own servers when routing clients, and uses Valve servers exclusively for the most sensitive features ("Mann Up" mode). TWI lets anyone run ranked servers for RO2 as long as they apply to be added to a whitelist.
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by kraze »

From what I have seen, not releasing the files and locking down dedicated servers hasn't really cut back on the piracy or cheating. I could just be missing it completely but overall it doesn't seem to be helping.

Even though I am highly disappointed with the lack of dedicated servers, I am at glad they were smart enough to allow dedicated servers for the match making.

I didn't enjoy how they did MW3 but it was nice to be able to control our own servers and apply our own rules..etc. Some users did find a way around the un-ranked servers but that wasn't because of some master coder, SledgeHammer Studios simply forgot to mark the values which controlled the awarded points as cheat. So simple adding those to your server.cfg allowed the ranking.

It seems that they are setting up the COD series to be popular for only so long. People will get bored of it within a few months and they toss up some DLC then release a new game. (Repeat cycle until they aren't making money)

Either way, the COD ship has pretty much sailed for me. I do not plan on even buying this one :/
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by TacTicToe »

Well the way I look at it, Im bout to say screw them ALL!!! Im sick of EA and Im sick of Activision. There are indy companies developing games as good as, if not better. I don't need no stinkin' ranking system crap. Hell I still love to go old school and play RTCW, a game over 10 years old that is still hella fun.

A couple of games I recommend people look at, especially you John, since you will probably want to add these to your list of available games.

Ravaged -

Rekoil -

Both are MP only, PC only, and are releasing the dedicated server files to the public. Rekoil is releasing all necessary mod tools as well, so that game should do exceptionally well. I already have the beta for Ravaged and waiting for the games release so I can have a server. I applied for the beta for Rekoil and hope to check that out soon as well.

Personally, I will not be buying BO2 and most likely nothing from Activision ever again. I am so tired of the crap. FWIW there are cracked ranked servers for BC2, BF3, Crysis 2, BO, MW3, MW2 etc etc. Its not like anything they are doing has even slowed down, let alone stopped the piracy they seem to be looking to thwart. They need to get a clue. I personally intend to vote with my wallet.
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by xDizzy »

Don't think those noobs care about the pc community anymore, its kinda dead. They make soooo much more on console gamers, I read the comments and what not regarding the server hosting info and it is not looking good at all with all those pre orders cancelled and people complaining because they don't like the bs they're doing and still no response from the devs bo 2 was CoD's last hope, treyarch did some good things but it ends here. xD I can't enter a damn lobby on mw3 and expect a good game play, you must find a noob in there that is not legit........
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Re: CoD:Black Ops 2

Post by TacTicToe »

There's your problem. You keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome each time. They have a word for that. :)

Go with the dedicated servers and you will have a lot more fun. I promise you.
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