Bans not sticking??

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Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

Any ideas why my bans, in my banfile, are not sticking??

I keep kicking and banning the same jerks over and over, and they are already in my banfile...


The last two lines of my server.cfg

exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by FlyingMongoose »

First up, make sure you have something in those config files.

Second up, if you're using regular rcon, make sure you're adding writeip or writeid after you use the ban (if you use sourcemod sm_ban does this for you).

I have, however, had to deal with people who spoof their IP addresses, and unfortunately have had to manually ban entire IP ranges because of this if I do IP bans. There is no easy way to do that.
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem and the fix...

the ban files ned to be in the autoexec.cfg, not the server.cfg, and the write commands only in the server.cfg.

I'll report back.
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

Nope bans are not working.

They are read into memory properly, but banned players have no problem connecting and playing, I just banned myself and confirmed this.

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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by FlyingMongoose »

Honestly, best option I can provide to you now is it has been updated to support CS: Go, after an initial 5 minute ban sourcebans then queries the MySQL database when a player connects and if it matches the ban (it supports SteamID and IP banning) it then uses the kick method, NOT the ban method (this was because of some problems in the sourcemod ban method when it was first developed, but it was never updated), it also enforces this if someone gets past initial ban as well.
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

Thx Flying!!

So Sourcebans works independently of the game's banned_users, and it uses its own ban list, then checks the server and if they are there kicks them out??

That is terrific...
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

WOW!! Thankyou Flying, SourceBans is far beyond amazing!!

Setting it up now....

Where has this been all my life?

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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by FlyingMongoose »

It was initially released in 2007. It was developed by what is now InterWave Studios (creators of Nuclear Dawn), I was on the initial development team. I rarely contribute anymore but when I have the time. The goal was to have privatized bans database that operated across multiple source based game servers within a single community or an affiliation of communities. Some areas have actually created national bans databases building off of the sourcebans system. We tried to make it as simple to set up and use as possible per our knowledge at the time. It is quite a useful tool for managing bans, and your administratros. Administrator groups were another big deal. Having an easy method of managing them was a must have for our development process too. And I believe it has per-server access right systems. So you may want to let admins change maps on one servers, but enforce a cycle on another and you have the option to do things like that... I think... though that could be a feature planned for version 2.0... which is a complete rewrite from the ground up... I'm not certain though.

At the time of release there was a number of bugs in the sourcemod bans management system including a few flaws that allowed people to rejoin. Plus we wanted to provide a prompt to the user telling them to visit a particular URL to attempt to appeal a ban, the ban option did not provide this either. Only Kick. So we used Kick, and let the database querying handle the checks. (threaded of course to reduce latency issues).

It will also work on almost every source engine game that runs sourcemod. There are third party plugins that allow it to work through garry's mod plugins and eventscripts... but you're best off using sourcemod as that is what it was built with.

THere's a long list of featuers planned for sourcebans 2.0, including a highly simple and usable APi, the only thing is there is very very little community support for the project. so the majority of the rarely active developers have little interest in keeping it going. There's been talk of expanding it beyond just Source too, but there are technological limitations to each system as well.
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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by Cain »

Well Kudos to you and the entire team this tool is nothing short of amazing. I have honestly never heard of it before.

Love it, love it, love it... Works great, simple to use, gives me so much flexibility and control....

I also love the way it interacts with my HLX page and stats.

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Re: Bans not sticking??

Post by FlyingMongoose »

Glad you like it, and of course much like HLStatsX, as you expand you can add to your servers managed and maintained.
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