cfg/mapcycle.txt pushed in recent TF2 update?

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cfg/mapcycle.txt pushed in recent TF2 update?

Post by Powerlord »

I noticed after the last update that I was getting weird issues where maps that weren't in my mapcycle.txt or nominations file ended up in my map votes.

Turned out that I had a tf/cfg/mapcycle.txt despite using tf/mapcycle.txt for my mapcycle.

Since no one else has made changes to the server lately other than myself, I can only assume that this file got pushed to my (managed) server during one of last week's updates. I didn't think to check the date on it before deleting it.

Can we please be careful about pushing things like that? Valve stopped pushing mapcycle.txt and pushing mapcycle_default.txt for a reason. Since the SteamPipe update (and SourceMod 1.5), the server will read tf/cfg/mapcycle.txt if it exists and fall back to tf/mapcycle.txt.

Side note: My other (VPS) server didn't have this issue, which is the other reason I don't think it's Valve's fault.
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Re: cfg/mapcycle.txt pushed in recent TF2 update?

Post by Edge100x »

tf/cfg/mapcycle.txt is the standard location for your mapcycle, recently defined by Valve (who deprecated its old location at tf/mapcycle.txt). This is where we put it on new servers, and where we moved it for all converted servers. If you delete tf/cfg/mapcycle.txt, the system will see that it is missing and create a new one when a repair is run; repairs are run as part of game updates. Please migrate to using the new location instead of the legacy location.

Similarly, our system expects for custom content to be in "tf/custom/xxx" folders. This is the new standard location for such files. If you are putting custom content directly into folders on the server ("tf/maps", for instance), it will still be read by the game, but it's a deprecated configuration (and ugly!) and you should migrate away from that setup.

Valve's initial allowance of multiple locations for these files is subject to change -- and I hope it does. It's not a good idea outside of a brief transition period, because documentation and tools have to try to account for all possible scenarios.
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