NS2: Combat support please.

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Re: NS2: Combat support please.

Post by kraze »

Yes, we're still discussing some specifics, but the plan is to have support out of the gate.
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: NS2: Combat support please.

Post by Edge100x »

We've been hosting these servers, but unfortunately the game was a total bomb =\.
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Re: NS2: Combat support please.

Post by TacTicToe »

Game was a bomb because of the publisher, unfortunately. UWE is the publisher and denied FLG from promoting the game in any way. They were not allowed to offer pre-orders, and were not allowed to offer clan packs till more than a week post launch. UWE released an update and 75% off sale the day that Combat was released, for NS2. So you had NS2 on sale for $5, Combat on sale for $13.50 on release date. UWE have gone out of their way, for whatever reason, to sabotage the release of Combat. What is worse, is FLG is bound by an NDA not to reveal this info nor are they allowed to bash or bad mouth UWE in any way. I have come to hate NDA's.

Hopefully I do not get into trouble for revealing this myself, as this was told to me in confidence. However, FLG's treatment by UWE has been just infuriating. FLG has been getting roasted on the Steam forums, and because of the NDA, literally can not defend themselves, other than delete inflammatory threads. Then of course, that action ends up looking suspect.
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