ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

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ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

Fellow community members,

I hope you can help me with an issue I am having. I created an ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch server. I am experiencing a strange issue where I get stuck at the loading screen when joining my server. It appears as though the game finishes loading, I can hear the game sounds, I can even move my character, hear his footsteps, etc. Nobody else is having this issue when connecting to my server. I have searched high and low and tried everything I can think of... for hours. I am unable to find a solution.

After hours of troubleshooting, performing the following will allow me to connect:
1. Restart the server, be the 1st person to join the game, loads fine.
2. Without restarting the server, delete my character information from the database, join the server, loads fine.

If I use the above methods I can get in, however, if I leave the server, close the game, etc. I am unable to load again until one of the above is performed. Again, nobody else is having issues.

Has anyone run across this before? Any solution? Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated!!
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Caliban55 »

What does the client .RPT and the server .RPT file say? And what do you mean, you can hear game sounds, footsteps, etc. ? Can you load the game successully and does this also happen on other servers, or only the one you created?

You can try to delete all your profiles (folders and files), then run a Steam file verification and then create a new profile and test if this works.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

Thanks for the reply Caliban!

When I say game sounds I mean once the loading screen is done loading at the point where the game should appear I start to hear birds chirping, crickets, if someone is running nearby their footsteps, gunshots, zombies, whatever is happening near me.

As I mentioned, I CAN load the game successfully, but only if I restart the server and am the first to join, or I delete my character from the database and join. When I get stuck at the loading screen thing it never enters the game. I can join other servers no problem. This problem only exists for the server I set up and only exists for me. Other people have been joining and playing on the server with absolutely no problems.

Could you please clarify when you say "profiles"? I have tried deleting and using new "player profiles" in the game, I have tried deleting my ArmA2/ArmA2OA folders in my AppData folder, etc. Please let me know if there is another profile I should be deleting and I will definitely give it a try. I have also tried Steam file verifications, relaunching ArmA2/ArmA2OA, I have tried fresh clean installs, I have even tried this on a different computer all with same results.

As for the logs, here is what I did to make things easy. I made a backup of existing logs. I then started the server, once up I launched ArmA2OA. I then joined my server. Bear in mind this was the first connection since the server had restarted so my character was able to get into the game successfully. I then aborted, disconnected, and closed my game. I then launched ArmA2OA and joined the server again. I then got stuck at the loading screen, hearing birds, etc. I waited 60 seconds and then forced the application to close.

I have attached my client/server RPT files as well as my HiveExt.log file for review.

Thank you so much for your help!
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Caliban55 »

You can find the profiles (usually) in your Documents folder (assuming you are using Windows 7, 8.1,...), Try deleting those, verify files through Steam and create a new profile.

The server .RPT files shows that you are disconnected from the server, unfortunatley it does not give a detailed reason.

Last but not least try to check if you can connect with a new created profile once you get to the point when you can't continue with your current one (the one when you are stuck in the loading screen).

Your are loading the server with the -noCB command and the -cpuCount=6. This does not make sense. With -noCB you tell the server not to use multiple cores explicitly, with the -cpuCount you tell it to use multiple cores. Also -maxMem is not needed.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

Great point about those command line arguments! Been trying anything I can find, I will fix that soon as everyone disconnects. Once I am able to find a root cause to all this I will set the server up from scratch, implement the fix, and be running on a clean instance.

Concerning the profiles, I deleted both Arma2 and ArmA2OA folders in my Documents folder. I ran an integrity check for both ArmA2/ArmA2OA. I launched each game in window mode so they could acquire/install any Battleye stuff needed. I then launched ArmA2OA, enabled the expansion. I joined the server and got stuck at the loading screen. I launched the game again, created a new profile, and joined the server. Again, I got stuck at the loading screen, got a little excited when the number in the lower right made it to 5.

I shut the server down, fixed the command line arguments and started the server. As expected, the first time I joined I was able to get into the game successfully. On the 2nd and 3rd attempts, I was also able to get into the game successfully (luck I guess)! Then on the 4th and subsequent attempts, stuck again at the loading screen.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Caliban55 »

Then the reason was most likely not a corrupted profile, if you are experiencing the same problems with a clean profile setup.

To narrow it down a bit more, can you try to start the server without BattlEye enabled and see if you are running into any BE filters? You can do this in your server.cfg file by changing BattlEye = 1 to BattlEye = 0.

Are there any special scripts/functions that are executed for your particular client ID?
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

Thanks for the continued assistance Caliban.

There are no special scripts or functions running on the server at all.

I shut the server down, modified the configuration to disable Battleye, and backed up all log files. I started the server and was able to get into the game successfully on the first attempt. On the 2nd attempt, I was stuck at the loading screen again.

I have attached fresh log files for review.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Caliban55 »

What happens if you load a standard default mission on the server (not Epoch, one that comes with OA)? Can you connect to the server repeatedly then?

How/what did you do to set up the MySQL server (how many connections are allowed)?
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

For my MySQL server I downloaded the newest copy from Installed it along with the workbench. I configured a new user and schema for the DayZ Epoch server. Gave that user full rights to the DayZ Epoch database. I then ran the scripts included with the Epoch Server files to set up any tables, events, etc. Current number of simultaneous client connections at the server level is set to 151, user is able to make unlimited connections. When I look at current connections I only see 2 for the DayZ Epoch user/database.

I configured a default Operation Arrowhead server. I was able to connect numerous times without issue. I did not get stuck at the loading screen. Other people were also able to connect and play successfully.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Caliban55 »

Are you using any launcher to start OA and connect to the server? Does this also happen when you use direct connect from the ingame server browser by using the IP and port?

Sorry, but if that does not help I can't really think of anything more that would provide a fix for this. You might want to post in the Epoch forum and try to get hold of a developer there, or ask the community, if anyone encounterd something similar.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by benignsage »

I mostly use OA to connect to the server. I have also tried DayZ Commander as well as PlaySIX and DayZ Launcher. All with the same results.

This may sound silly but I have been unable to sign up for the EpochMod forums. I do not know the answer to their security question, I have tried all sorts of answers all of which are deemed "incorrect".

Thanks again for all your help Caliban! I will continue to try to register for the EpochMod forums.
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Re: ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch Server :: Stuck at Loading Screen

Post by Saije »

I know this post is around 3 years old, and I didnt read many of the other comments. But your issue sounds just like something that happens to me.

All I have to do Is hit the esc key. then left alt and enter. wait for the game to go into windowed mode. then hit left alt and enter again. and it fixes it for me...

of course I could be totaly wrong that its the solution, since i didnt read any other comments and this post is 3 years old
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