Seriously - thank you.

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Seriously - thank you.

Post by Hareuhal »

I just switched to NFO from Multiplay after almost 72 hours of complete frustration. I checked out NFO first, but decided to go with Multiplay because of ClanForge.

Little did I know that I wouldn't be given FTP access.
Little did I know that my "instant set up" would take almost 3 hours because they were "over capacity".
Little did I know that most support tickets take upwards of 8+ hours for a response.
Little did I know that if I wanted to add a plugin / player skin, it had to be sent it to support, reviewed by them and then added to their system.

I spent almost 72 hours setting up my server. 72 hours. During that 72 hours I struggled. I had issues with their server panel allowing me to "save" - 99% of the time it would give me an error. I thought it was because of buggy, outdated plugins. I thought it was because it had been some years since I've run a server.

No - it was because of their incredibly buggy, but fancy, software.

I looked at switching to NFO - e-mailed support with a couple pre-sale questions. Five minutes later I had a response. Five minutes..

I was sold. I made the switch, and even got a 20% discount for switching from a competitor. Even better. My server was ready instantly.

I uploaded everything via FTP - those plugins that were plaguing me at Multiplay? I got them working first try on NFO. The issue wasn't me - it was their servers and the lack of access to FTP.

My FTP went down at some point, and I had a slight issue with my server - I e-mailed support again and in one ten minute period of time got more responses than I did in a full 24 hours at Multiplay.

It took me 72 hours to get my server 90% configured at Multiplay.
It took me 3 hours to get my server 100% configured at NFO.

That's how much of a difference NFO was to the competition.

So thank you for saving me time, money and my sanity.
(I've also had reports from players that this server seems to run better)
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