Adding Custom Work Additions To HLStatsX

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Adding Custom Work Additions To HLStatsX

Post by legitified »

We modified the webpages to connect to our game-servers MySQL database to collect another set of statistics of player performances (HLTV Rating) we're using HLStatsX as a ranking system to correctly place players whether or not they are good or bad in terms of skill. We modified players profile page the first time and we were successful in those terms it was able to display the results from the game-server DB. Now, once I changed the DNS/Domain to another name it completely broke, all the files that were modified were edited correctly to connect to the now renamed database etc! It does not bother to function correctly. The fact it worked and now not, the fact that for some reason it always tries to connect to even though we're correctly setting another IP. We're running the same code on a different server and it's perfectly working, we've tried MYSQLi just as the Tech Support suggested nothing. ... o&player=3 - Take a look at the "Rating Summary" ... &game=csgo - This page caused an error after the switch, funny because it worked the first time now it doesn't.
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Re: Adding Custom Work Additions To HLStatsX

Post by Edge100x »

The first one suggests that whatever server you are connecting to is not accepting your login/password/hostname combination. You may need to adjust that MySQL server's configuration to add the appropriate permissions.

If you plan to heavily modify the HLStatsX installation, I would recommend running it on an unmanaged VDS.
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