Setting up my web forum using the VDS

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Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by nevieth »

I've recently upgraded from basic webhosting at 50 concurrent visits to a VDS.
This VDS will be primarily used for hosting my webforum and I have no plans for any game servers to be loaded onto it, after all it's only 1GB RAM.

I had several questions regarding this, and was recommended to post this thread here by Brendan.


My first question would be is it enough? The 1GB RAM VDS is the lowest in provided servers, but for a mostly small time forum I figured it was enough. I wanted to make sure we wouldn't overrun our allotted bandwidth and what would happen if we did. I'm also curious about what would happen if we're suddenly hit with a DDoS attack that burns away bandwidth. Is this taken care of by you on the backend or does this damage my 6,000GB default?

Secondly I was curious how exactly I would even go about moving a 40MB file from Windows 7 onto my Ubuntu VDS through either setting up a FTP server or if it's possible, through VNC.
The unmanaged VDS and Ubuntu OS are entirely untamed territory for me, and so I'm a little confused on exactly how to kick things into gear.

I have my forum online already on a separate webhosting LITE service, which I'm using to keep my emails online. I doubt it's possible, but am I able to simply move the contents of one FTP/publics folder into the VDS? Doubtful, I know. Bill helped talk me through it already but I'm still a little confused on the whole ordeal of setting it all up. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks I suppose, I'm just not used to this and have no clue what I'm doing with Ubuntu.

I'm currently looking around the web to try and find some tutorials, and so far as I'm writing this I've figured out how to check for ubuntu updates and I'm currently installing them.

Oh and I know it's off topic but the support guy Bill spent what was probably two hours helping me out and dealing with my worries. He's the best and definitely made me feel valued as a customer. Huge vouch for that guy... you should give that man a raise. haha
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by nevieth »

Quick post reply, I've been working in putty to try and get tightvnc to show desktop view, but I'm greeted by a gray screen each time.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by $atanic $pirit »

First of all you need to understand that you are running Ubuntu server edition here. It comes with no GUI, so whatever you see on the putty is exactly what you can expect on VNC console.

You can easily install a LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL, and PHP) on your Ubuntu install. After that you should point your domain name to your VDS IP via "a" record. I would recommend you to install VSFTPD server for your FTP needs.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by nevieth »

$atanic $pirit wrote:First of all you need to understand that you are running Ubuntu server edition here. It comes with no GUI, so whatever you see on the putty is exactly what you can expect on VNC console.

You can easily install a LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL, and PHP) on your Ubuntu install. After that you should point your domain name to your VDS IP via "a" record. I would recommend you to install VSFTPD server for your FTP needs.
I'm glad you mentioned that! I just figured out how to install VSFTPD and access it, I've transferred all my /forums/ data onto the root page in the FTP.

All I need to figure out now is how to point my dns and domain to the /forums/index.php file and I'm good to go.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by It'sRandinator »

For file transferring you don't need VSFTPD, just download filezilla and connect to your vds with your account details ex vds ip user/pass no port needed, unless SSH.

Install a free control panel, much easier than going about without it. I'd recommend Ajenti, it's lightweight, fast and has tons of features. You don't need to install LAMP as when installing Ajenti it installs it for you.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by nevieth »

It'sRandinator wrote:For file transferring you don't need VSFTPD, just download filezilla and connect to your vds with your account details ex vds ip user/pass no port needed, unless SSH.

Install a free control panel, much easier than going about without it. I'd recommend Ajenti, it's lightweight, fast and has tons of features. You don't need to install LAMP as when installing Ajenti it installs it for you.
I'm actually already ahead of that.

I have FTP access, LAMP webserver installed, and have it all up and running except a MyBB error I'm receiving in regards to my MySQL server.

Here's the issue I've been having.


When I created my forum I was using a temporary and cheap webhost provider, but now that I've figures things out I need to move the forum to a completely different server (which in this case is a Ubuntu Server VPS) and I've been testing around with the command line for the last two days and have gotten FTP working, MySQL installed and mostly working, and the forum is loading but it's giving me this error when I try to load into /index.php.

Code: Select all

MyBB has experienced an internal error and cannot continue.

Error Type:
MyBB Error (44)
Error Message:
MyBB was unable to load the SQL extension. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. MyBB Website
I've been working for several hours with my hosting provider to get this working but since MyBB is third party they recommended I bring this issue to the forums here and see what we can figure out. 

Editing this in - 
Yes I'm updating the config.php file in /inc/, that's not the problem here.

I've created a new MySQL database using linux command line, created MySQL user using linux command line, and have attempted to give permissions to said user to said database using linux command line. When I go to give the user the "ALL" permission as this tutorial suggests, it gives me this error.
Tutorial in question ---> ... mand-line/

Code: Select all

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'permission ON *.* TO 'localhost'@ 
'localhost'' at line 1 
I made the user 'localhost' and a database to go with it, but it's giving me an error. This is what I'm trying to paste which causes the error.

Code: Select all

GRANT update permission ON *.* TO 'localhost'@'localhost';
All this should do according to the tutorial is give update power to the localhost user to update rows in a table. I tried using 'ALL' first but it didn't work. I also tried using the database name in place of *.* but that also didn't work. 
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by doulos9 »

Install phpmyadmin - way easier to set up databases, users, and assign permissions IMO.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by $atanic $pirit »

Install phpmyadmin, and grant this user all permissions to the database. That should fix it for you.
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Re: Setting up my web forum using the VDS

Post by natan »

Hi. Did you already fix it or need more help? :P
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