Customer For 6 WHOLE YEARS - Incredible Service!

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Customer For 6 WHOLE YEARS - Incredible Service!

Post by ball2hi »

I played World of Warcraft back in 2006 up until late 2012 (before Mists of Pandaria release). I, and every guild I knew then rented a Ventrillo server. I then discovered Mumble and decided to give it a try, however the current host I had only rented Ventrilo servers. I came across NFOServers after a few minutes of Googling.

I rented my Mumble server on April 24th, 2012 from NFOServers:

After a few hours I was immediately hooked at the voice clarity, response time, and text-chat that Mumble provided. I made my entire guild switch over to it (against their will) over night.

There was so much to customize, ACL wise. As well as the incredible MOTD

Unfortunately, you are no longer able to have messages longer than 255 characters... but I have not changed my MOTD since NFOServers made that change, so it's been like this for years! The names you see there are from my World of Warcraft days!

I became incredibly knowledgeable of ACLs, and was the "go-to" guy in every community to help explain ACLs:

Along with my Mumble server, I also rented a Left4Dead 2 server from NFOServers a while back for a few months(?). It ran as it should have, and there weren't any real issues that stood out. NFOServers is so incredibly popular in the competitive Left4Dead 2 community as it provides great service, DDOS protection, and customer response time. As a long standing member in the competitive L4D2 scene, I and almost everyone recommends NFOServers in the United States!

Alas however, I can no longer keep paying for my Mumble server. Lowering it to a measly 15 slots since it wasn't used as much as it used to be. Almost everyone has their own Mumble, and communities grouped together under a single Mumble. I kept mine around for friends and myself, but it has not been used since probably mid-2017. Looking for work, I can't keep spending my money carelessly.

I wish I could keep you, but I can't keep paying for something I don't use:

I wish NFOServers luck in it's success, as it's so far been an incredible company. Also, if you guys are hiring, let me know :wink: .
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