E-2186G machines now available in Chicago

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E-2186G machines now available in Chicago

Post by Edge100x »

We have a limited number of E-2186G machines now available for rent in Chicago. Due to constrained supply and additional costs in obtaining and setting up this hardware, initial prices are a bit higher than other recent configurations have been, but these machines also have 6 cores instead of the four that E3 machines offered, and each of those cores is particularly fast, so these machines should offer an excellent value.

The E-2186G has similar specs to a consumer-grade i7-8700k processor, but the E-2186G has a slightly higher base clock speed, has a better turbo table (so when more cores are in use, each core runs faster), uses better ECC memory, and is a bit more reliable overall due to more exacting standards with the CPU/chipset/memory/cooling.
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Re: E-2186G machines now available in Chicago

Post by Edge100x »

These sold out yesterday. We're talking to our hardware vendor to try to get an ETA on more of them.
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