How to import my banlist.txt

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How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

i have recently another server at other serverprovider and i wanted to import my banlist.txt.
Do i have to input each ban (200-300 in amount) one by one or is there a faster way?

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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by Edge100x »

If it's a standard banlist.txt, you should be able to upload it through the "File manager" page in our control panel. Just choose a filename of "Admin/BanList.txt".
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

Ok thank you. I thought the banlist already exists but not visible to me. There was an answered ticket, where its said that i don't have access to that file and then i wanted to avoid any complications. Is it better to stop the server while doing or is uploading then restart (if needed?) sufficient?

How about the pbsv.cfg, the same way or better using the PB-commands? Because of GGC anticheatstreaming.
Does the server already doing PBScreens (AutoSs)? Which variables are set? How many Screens are set before the counter starts again at 0 (SsCeiling).
I was used to let Proconrulz, a plugin for Procon, do the screenshots and download the files daily and then erase them to avoid overriding (the *.htm files leaded to screens of other users if SsCeiling to low and are overwritten without deleting screens if no screenshot was received).

How is the behaviour of the option to sync PBScreens to the webserver. It says that it saves to the folder svss. Will files be overwritten with same names? Or can they saved with a folder named with the date i.e. "svss 2019-01-03" etc.

On the Easy setup page the recommendations (i think) for "var.roundStartPlayerCount" is 1 and "vars.roundRestartPlayerCount" is 0. Is that ok? Or does the server sets them to 4 for roundstart, what actually is. In the former provider i had to set 3 for restart and 4 for starting the round.

Is R34 the most recent BF3 PC Server Administration Docs? It's hard to find any information in the internet.

I let autoinstall phpmyadmin in the control panel. Is there a secure way to access phpmyadmin. I was there "id" and it was't encrypted or something like that. Firefox gave me a notification. Sorry, i don't know much about it (though many years ago i set up apache servers, html/css coding, MySQL - but since then i had no contact with those subjects, i have no clue anymore).

Sorry for all the questions, its so different to the former provider that i wanna leave.
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

The last sentence didn't sound good, i mean i wanna leave the other provider - they are terrible.
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

To the subject with pbsv.cfg i found the right thread.
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by Edge100x »

FireStarter wrote: Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:06 am Ok thank you. I thought the banlist already exists but not visible to me. There was an answered ticket, where its said that i don't have access to that file and then i wanted to avoid any complications. Is it better to stop the server while doing or is uploading then restart (if needed?) sufficient?
I recommend stopping the server, uploading, and then starting it again.
How about the pbsv.cfg, the same way or better using the PB-commands? Because of GGC anticheatstreaming.
Does the server already doing PBScreens (AutoSs)? Which variables are set? How many Screens are set before the counter starts again at 0 (SsCeiling).
You can also upload your pbsv.cfg. It would be under pb/pbsv.cfg. You can set your preferred variables in that file.
I was used to let Proconrulz, a plugin for Procon, do the screenshots and download the files daily and then erase them to avoid overriding (the *.htm files leaded to screens of other users if SsCeiling to low and are overwritten without deleting screens if no screenshot was received).
If it uses FTP, you should be able to continue using it, but I am not familiar with that utility specifically.
How is the behaviour of the option to sync PBScreens to the webserver. It says that it saves to the folder svss. Will files be overwritten with same names? Or can they saved with a folder named with the date i.e. "svss 2019-01-03" etc.
Using our syncing tool would mean the folder is copied wholesale.

We do not recommend the use of auto screenshots for performance reasons.
On the Easy setup page the recommendations (i think) for "var.roundStartPlayerCount" is 1 and "vars.roundRestartPlayerCount" is 0. Is that ok? Or does the server sets them to 4 for roundstart, what actually is. In the former provider i had to set 3 for restart and 4 for starting the round.
You are welcome to try whatever you'd like for this.
Is R34 the most recent BF3 PC Server Administration Docs? It's hard to find any information in the internet.
Those appear to be the latest set of full docs. There was a further supplement for R38.
I let autoinstall phpmyadmin in the control panel. Is there a secure way to access phpmyadmin. I was there "id" and it was't encrypted or something like that. Firefox gave me a notification. Sorry, i don't know much about it (though many years ago i set up apache servers, html/css coding, MySQL - but since then i had no contact with those subjects, i have no clue anymore).
You could access it through your domain name after adding that to our control panel. By default, domains are set up with Let's Encrypt.
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

Thank you very much, have a nice day.
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Re: How to import my banlist.txt

Post by FireStarter »

(Sorry, can't edit the previous post anymore)

I noticed something:

After writing the settings in the PB Console, pb_sv_writecfg and then pb_sv_restart i noticed in the start-process that pb_sv_SsCeiling is 999999. After Punkbuster was loaded i checked again pb_sv_SsCeiling and it was now set to 100, though i didn't change that before restart.

(pb_sv_SsCeiling is the serialnumber 1 2 3 4 etc. it names the files. If the number is reached defined there it start again from #1 and overwrites an exisiting file 1.htm & 1.png)

It seems, when writing the config, Punkbuster sets pb_sv_SsCeiling to 100 automatically.
So i changed that, used pb_sv_writecfg and restarted. Now it seems fine.

So the Websync wouldn't overwrite files for a long time and can be stored in the same folder on the Webspace.

My Plugin (Proconrulz) on Procon sends only a command to Punkbuster to take a screenshot and only under special circumstances. I don't use automatic screenshots, as you mentioned, this causes lags at a high player count.
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