NFO Testimonial 10/10

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NFO Testimonial 10/10

Post by b1ndm4n »

I've been using NFO for a short time, but i feel like the support here is AMAZING. i got a game server (insurgency sandstorm) along with the included web-server and they have helped me GREATLY and very fast. Only had on small problem with setting it up and thats because the name i chose for the servers was "proxy" which is a blacklisted word for windows so it did take some more time to set up. I have had 0 issues with NFO and their support. The sandstorm server setup took a little bit, but that isn't NFOs fault. i was able to get my own domain name and have it work in a few seconds while im still designing it , want to check the website they are hosting for me? click here

Again, i just want to thank John and the NFO staff for making the experience a good one
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