VDS Gameservers with Webservers

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VDS Gameservers with Webservers

Post by sevensrequiem »

I have a vds/vps runnning some game servers, is it okay that I also run a webserver on the VPS? If so, what software/control panel (accessible via browser) would be good for management like cPanel, but for the whole VPS?

The VPS is running Ubuntu 18.04
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Re: VDS Gameservers with Webservers

Post by doulos9 »

IMO, unless you only have a static webpage or one with very few overall hits, you will probably be sorry if you run a web server and a game server on the same VDS. You should just get separate hosting or another VDS to use for web apps.
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Re: VDS Gameservers with Webservers

Post by Vanderburg »

It should be quite alright to run your webserver on the same VDS as your game servers. Even up to fairly intensive medium sized websites, a single core will handle the webserver fine, along with about 1GB of memory and the operating system scheduler will move the stuff around to make sure it's not competing with the game server for CPU, as long as you have enough cores.

I'm not aware of a control panel that will do webhosting and game server hosting, though. You may want to handle the game servers yourself, and if you need a package for webhosting, you might try VestaCP (free alternative to cPanel), or Plesk (less expensive alternative to cPanel and arguably nicer).
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Re: VDS Gameservers with Webservers

Post by Edge100x »

I personally recommend separating webhosting and game server functionality, as doulos9 suggests, but I can understand that it isn't always an option from a budgetary standpoint. It should be generally OK to run both at once as long as you properly manage priority levels and make sure that the webhosting isn't overly CPU/memory/I/O intensive.
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