C# NFO Network Operations Center

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C# NFO Network Operations Center

Post by Vortire »

Hi all,

I've released the source code for my C# NOC that gives you a view into what your service is doing in terms of network graphs.

If you compile and run with standard privileges, a webserver will be started on localhost (port 8000) which you can access on your device using any webbrowser. If you run using administrative privileges, a webserver will be started on your devices local IP address (port 80) (Please note you'll have to allow port 80 in/out in your firewall if you want devices on your LAN to connect).

I recommend hosting this on a server on your LAN and heading to the IP of the server on a smart TV if you want a realtime look into your NFO server traffic.

Graphs are requested from NFO every 60 seconds.

The GitHub page:


Thanks for reading,
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