How do I obtain my EOS ID?

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How do I obtain my EOS ID?

Post by 0nopeO »

This article covers how you can obtain your, or any other players, EOS ID using the output log.
  1. Start your 7 Days to Die server.
  2. Have the user connect to the server (or connect yourself).
  3. Connect to your server's FTP using the credentials listed on the "File Manager" tab in your control panel.
    1. If you aren't sure how to connect, we have a guide for FileZilla posted here: viewtopic.php?t=8044
  4. Navigate to "/serverconfig/"
  5. Download "output_log.txt" and save it to your computer.
  6. Open the output log, and look for entries that start with the following.

    Code: Select all

    [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful:
  7. For example, I have a full entry below, you will be able to identify the player via the "PlayerName='xxxx...'" variable located at the end of the entry.

    Code: Select all

    2022-08-17T12:10:12 22207.583 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', CrossId='EOS_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='XXXXXXXXXXX'
  8. Once you have identified the correct entry, look for the "CrossId='EOS_xxxxx...'" variable and copy the value.
  9. Remove "EOS_" from the string, and you now have your EOS ID.
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