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Post by mennes »

I've had about 6 people on regularly on my VDS with only 10gb ram on Palworlds. we also have some settings turned up that should technically make it lag. We haven't had a single server issue, and its been up pretty much 5 days straight now. No scheduled restarts. It's interesting how many people have issues, yet we do not. Maybe the issue is trying to run it on a linux os or something, because it's been flawless and technically our server does not even meet the requirements, yet we have Palworlds AND SpaceEngineers running 24/7
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Re: PalWorlds

Post by Edge100x »

Partly it could be that they released a more stable version, but it's hard to say. It could also relate to higher player counts, or to specific actions in-game.
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Re: PalWorlds

Post by mennes »

Yeah I had just wanted to let you guys know that it runs well! I seen a post on facebook about palworlds from you guys, and just wanted to relay that I havent had any issues with the windows version on a vds and such. I would like to switch over to linux, however I am unsure if the world file and such will translate well from windows to linux.

Any feedback on doing a conversion like that? Any examples of where it has worked? I'm assuming any valve game its super doable, but other games not sure. Im not super versed in linux, however i just assume that the file extensions may be different and that might alone cause issues
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Re: PalWorlds

Post by Edge100x »

I'm sorry that I didn't see your questions sooner here!

If you don't mind losing your world/characters, switching to Linux wouldn't be too bad. The configuration file just goes in a different place on the Linux version, and you could save and restore that.

If you want to keep the player data, it's a bit more complicated, because the GUIDs are generated differently. The workaround for this is to have players join the new server to create new characters, then shut down the server and rename the old folders to match the new ones (deleting the new ones). There is a tool here that can help to automate this:
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