PostgreSQL tool

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PostgreSQL tool

Post by mennes »


Many years ago I dabbled with mySQL for some Source based game servers;

Fast forward about 10 years, I'm applying for an IT position in hopes to exercise my experience from the things I learned from game servers and such (which I have always rented from nfoservers).

I have quite a few questions, I was actually hoping to possibly pay for a block of someone's time (preferably someone well known here/long time member/staff).

I am trying to develop a database/web interface, using PostgreSQL as the database, running on Linux

I'm not sure what hourly rate is, but honestly I was even thinking like a few hours a week, and I would pay up front of course.

Hopefully this post is OK, I'm just getting back into this stuff! It's cool that my game server admin hours are finally paying off :)
Feel free to contact me on discordd @ Mennes34
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