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Post by kthx|squall »

I was wondering what it would take to get our server to host hltv, and how we could go about getting the demos started stoped, and get the demo off of the server.
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Post by Edge100x »

Sorry about the FAQ, that question was a little screwed up. Here's what it should have said:

Q: Can you provide my clan with a HLTV for a match?
A: Generally, no, we don't have the resources to provide HLTV services, except under special circumstances; HLTV is something you'd have to run yourself on your client machine (or one of your clanmembers could). To do this, you would run the hltv.exe executable in your Half-life folder and then type in "connect (your server)". It should connect to your server and watch the game, and people can connect to it by connecting to your IP and port 27020. You can also have your HLTV record demos by using the standard demo recording commands.
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