DoD Source on our VDS server

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DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by TacTicToe »

Since GMG has DoDS on sale for $2.50, I wanted to put up a server again. I actually miss playing the game. I have installed the server via the SteamCMD and am quite certain everything is done correctly. However the server simply refuses to start. Goes for about 10 seconds like it is trying to start, then crashes out. I get the same results if I run it from a shortcut or from FireDaemon. There is nothing in the logs for me to report.

I checked the Windows logs in the Event Viewer and this is what I see.

Server starts....
The program '"C:\dod\srcds.exe" -console -game "dods" -secure +map dod_anzio +log on +maxplayers 24 -port 27015 +ip +exec server.cfg' has started with a process id of '1552'.
Then a few seconds later it crashes out. No errors, just nothing.
Subprocess monitoring failed due to subprocess is no longer active. The subprocess is probably dead. Restarting the process. Error detail: N/A
Is there some kind of dependencies I am missing that are not being reported? This is a stock vanilla server, no addons of any kind are installed. The only thing a I have done is create a server.cfg file, which is a basic DoDS file, nothing out of the ordinary. I have also deleted and re-installed from scratch.

Any ideas?

Server config

Code: Select all

// **************************************
// server name
// **************************************
hostname "The Killing Crew - Stock maps" // Name of the server.

// **************************************
// passswords
// **************************************
rcon_password "" // Remote control password.
sv_password "" // Server password for entry into multiplayer games. Password = private, no password = public.

// **************************************
// specific Day of Defeat: Source cvars
// **************************************
dod_bonusround "1" // If true, the winners of the round can attack in the intermission. Default: 1
dod_bonusroundtime "15" // Time after round win until round restarts. Default: 15
dod_enableroundwaittime "1" // Enable timers to wait between rounds. Default: 1
mp_allowrandomclass "1" // Allow players to select random class. Default: 1
mp_combinemglimits "0" // Set to 1 to combine the class limit cvars for mg34 and mg42. New limit is sum of two. Default: 0
mp_tickpointinterval "30" // Delay between point gives. Default: 30
mp_limit_allies_assault "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Assault. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_mg "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Machinegunner. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_rifleman "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Rifleman. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Rocket. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_sniper "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Sniper. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_support "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Support. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_assault "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Assault. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_mg "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Machinegunner. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_rifleman "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Rifleman. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Rocket. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_sniper "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Sniper. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_support "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Support. Default: -1
mp_warmup_time "0" // Warmup time length in seconds. Default: 0
sv_autojointeam "0" // Skip the class and team menus and join a team immediately. Default: 0

// **************************************
// sv cvars
// **************************************
sv_allowdownload "1" // Allow clients to download files. Default: 1
sv_allowupload "1" // Allow clients to upload customizations files. Default: 1
sv_alltalk "0" // Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: 0
sv_cheats "0" // Allow cheats on server. Default: 0
sv_consistency "1" // Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files. Default: 1
sv_gravity "800" // World gravity. Default: 800
sv_lan "0" // Server is a lan server (no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses). Default: 0
sv_maxspeed "320" // Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320
sv_pausable "0" // Is the server pausable. Default: 0
sv_region "1" // The region of the world to report this server in. Default: -1
sv_timeout "45" // After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65
sv_voiceenable "1" // Microphone communication. Default: 1

// **************************************
// mp cvars
// **************************************
mp_allowspectators "1" // Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. Default: 1
mp_autokick "1" // Kick idle/team-killing players. Default: 0
mp_chattime "10" // Amount of time players can chat after the game is over. Default: 10
mp_flashlight "1" // Allow flashlight. Default: 0
mp_footsteps "1" // Players can hear footsteps. Default: 1
mp_forcecamera "1" // Restricts spectator modes for dead players. Default: 0
mp_fraglimit "0" // Max number of kills any player can accumulate before server changes maps. Default: 0
mp_friendlyfire "1" // Allow team damage. Default: 0
mp_limitteams "1" // Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2
mp_timelimit "45" // Game time per map in minutes. Default: 0
mp_winlimit "7" // Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0

// **************************************
// bandwidth and rates
// **************************************
sv_maxrate "0" // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_minrate "0" // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_maxupdaterate "66" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60
sv_minupdaterate "0" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10
decalfrequency "10" // Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10
fps_max "300" // Frame rate limiter. Default: 300

// **************************************
// server logging
// **************************************
log "on" // Control logging. on = enable logs, off = disable logs.
sv_logbans "1" // Log server bans in the server logs. Default: 0
sv_logecho "1" // Echo log information to the console. Default: 1
sv_logfile "1" // Log server information in the log file. Default: 1
sv_log_onefile "1" // Log server information to only one file. Default: 0

// **************************************
// server admin contact
// **************************************
sv_contact "" // Contact email for server sysop.

// **************************************
// web server (http) download URL
// **************************************
sv_downloadurl "" // Location from which clients can download missing files.

// **************************************
// security
// **************************************
exec "banned_user.cfg"
exec "banned_ip.cfg"

// **************************************
// addons
// **************************************
//exec "mani_server.cfg"

echo "*************** server.cfg loaded ***************"
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by soja »

What does the console say when it crashes?
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by Spray »

I notice you're currently using "-game dods", try using "-game dod". The update tool uses "dods" when updating, but srcds only recognizes "dod."
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by TacTicToe »

soja wrote:What does the console say when it crashes?
Console window disappears in less then half a second, there is a message of some kind, but it is gone too quickly to read.
Spray wrote:I notice you're currently using "-game dods", try using "-game dod". The update tool uses "dods" when updating, but srcds only recognizes "dod."
Thought you were onto something there. Tried dod in my shortcut and Firedaemon, same results.

I am wondering if there is an issue with the source DS? I may just log in with my account and download the game and try to run the server off that instead.
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by TacTicToe »

Nothing seems to work. I even installed all the older dedicated tools from 2006 on, and nothing. If I run the dedicated server from the Tools in Steam, it seems to start. At first it told me I was missing the gamesinfo.txt. I copied everything over, launch, it crashes out half a second later. TF2, CSS and CSGO install and run without issue. Only one I have problems with is DoD Source.

Any ideas?
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by soja »

make a .bat to run the server, and put pause as the last line.
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by TacTicToe »

Already tried the batch file. It runs a separate window (the console) that closes almost instantly. till no luck. I even tried adding >> logs.txt at the end to dump things to a text file. No luck.
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by soja »

have you tried -condebug?
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by soja »

so yeah, have you removed the "" from the -game "dods" in your command line?

The games folder is dod, so make sure it is -game dod
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by TacTicToe »

Got it!

Apparently there are issues with the DoDS version of the software. Not sure what it is, most likely a DLL file. Since TF2 and CSS work with no issues, I just updated the TF2, copied over the executables from that, and it worked. I would run an md5 check against the DoDS and TF2 files, but I dont wish to waste any more time on this.

Bottom line, I will inform Steam to check their software. Def an issue on their end.

Thanks guys.
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Re: DoD Source on our VDS server

Post by soja »

I installed it on windows just fine(my vds here).
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