Simply a five star host

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Simply a five star host

Post by It'sRandinator »

My first pick for hosting, it's always NFO. I hardly use any other host. For personal projects I usually pick up a small vps at another host (Perhaps NFO should look into smaller vps offerings, just a thought), but NFO is my main stay. It's where I go to get my quality of service & performance fix :)

9/10 Control Panel

99% of GSPs use TCAdmin, but not NFO which John has optimized to the best of what game server hosting requires. I gave it a 9/10 due to some features need implementing etc.. other than that it's perfect.

10/10 Network

What other GSP do you see operating their own ASN/uplinks. That's right NONE!

10/10 Hardware

Fantastic configurations for the price.

Owned hardware/Cabinet space. One of the signs of a true business and not a fly by night operation..

10/10 Pricing

By far the best pricing I've seen for dedicated servers / vps / web packages. Any other GSP can't compare to this. Sure possibly other non GSP hosts, but their network isn't really optimized for Game hosting.

8/10 Support

I haven't used their support much, but when I did it's always speedy, and helpful for most common issues. I did have a an issue with my root login at one point that should have been addressed, instead of pointing me to the forums. Because that was a OS issue that should be covered by support. The post is around here somewhere.

When I see other GSPs popping up or shutting down after they're "done" their little adventure. I know that they only last a few years before their owners want to do something else. Less than a handful of GSPs are dedicated and legit and not kiddies who want to make a quick buck. But out of all of them NFO outshines any GSP as well as actual hosting companies selling their web/vps/dedicated.
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Re: Simply a five star host

Post by Mr.Mob »

Personally I have been with NFO for shy of almost 1 year. I have many servers with them & I would agree the grade of quality to the services are incredible.
Their support responds always within 5-10 minutes & are always kind & helpful. Only problem I have faced are failures to personally protect or update my protection on my servers to filter & stop large scaled DDoS attacks which can null route, and it is a pain when any of my servers null route. However, it is completely understandable & its 100% my fault when things like this happen. Nothing negative to say, NFO is an overall 4.9 or 5.0 / 5.0!

That is my overall impression with using NFO! :)
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