NFO midsummer sale!

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NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Edge100x »

It's been awhile since we've had a sale, and it's time for another! We've released a set of coupon codes that are good for a short period of time:

* 10% off any game server: Use coupon code DPRMYH
* 15% off any VDS/VPS (excluding Windows fees): Use coupon code IZXOEX
* 20% off new game servers for customers transferring from a competitor: Use coupon code ZYJUFW (make sure to specify the IP:port of the company that you are moving from, and the company name, in the comments)

We have also temporarily dropped the price for specific E3-1270v3 and E3-1271v3 dedicated server machines at select locations by $20 where we have spare stock -- while supplies last.

Snap these deals up while you can!
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by sinaloense »

I finally get a coupon, I knew that notifications of email would help me to get it.

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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by mmc »

This is a nice sale.

Do the monthly rates get grandfathered in after upgrading?
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Edge100x »

mmc, yes, for as long as the same package is kept in the same configuration. We will never raise the price of a subscription that a customer signed up for.
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Rencorner »

I'm looking at your VPS sale atm. I'm wondering if I went with the monthly at first to see how it handles my community's games, and then switched to yearly if I like it; would that 15% sale still take effect(plus the 15% for yearly)?
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by sniperfodder »

Rencorner wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:03 am I'm looking at your VPS sale atm. I'm wondering if I went with the monthly at first to see how it handles my community's games, and then switched to yearly if I like it; would that 15% sale still take effect(plus the 15% for yearly)?
It totally does. I pay mine in three month chunks, and with the coupon code I shaved $11 off my two current VDS with the code. So nice. Thanks NFO! You're the best.


Now that I'm thinking about what you said we aren't talking about the same thing. Something for Edge to answer.
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Edge100x »

Rencorner, you'd just have to upgrade during the sale to set the grandfathered price. So you can certainly test whatever you'd like, but finalizing it during the sale is a good idea.

This also won't be our only sale, and VDS prices march down over time, so if you can't decide now, you'll have other chances to upgrade later on. It's just hard to say when the other chances might be or what they'll consist of!
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Pedro-NF »

Can you give us an idea of how long this sale is gonna last (like until the end of the month)?
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Pedro-NF »

Also, can the discount coupon be used more than once during the sale period, in case we decide to change a package again?
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Rencorner »

I'd kind of like an answer to the timeframe too.

Minus a few problems(other night everything lagged out/once the server restarted for some weird reason on its own/it seems to take 2 hours for a restart after Win updates) I am surprised it's running my old game. Mostly it's ok, it just seems to hate map loads(~30 seconds instead of the normal 7 on a physical dedicated).
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Edge100x »

We don't have a specific announcement on when the sale will end because it hasn't been fully set yet, but this is not meant to be a long-term sale.

The coupons can be used multiple times, with the exception of the 20% off for new customers.

Rencorner, please don't hesitate to contact us if you experience service problems. Without looking at your concerns directly in our system, my best guesses for the four problems that you mentioned are:

- other night everything lagged out -- I am not sure on this one. One thing I'd want to look at is the bandwidth graph for your machine, location, and service, to see if there was a spike.
- once the server restarted for some weird reason on its own -- I'd definitely recommend looking at that further, mostly through the Windows logs. Our VDSes should be extremely stable. The most common reason that I see for a VDS crashing is an OOM (Out Of Memory) condition inside the OS.
- it seems to take 2 hours for a restart after Win updates -- If you are running Windows 2012 R2, it could be that some boot-ups are failing. It has a strange bug with Xen during the boot-up process (only). I am hoping that this is will not be a problem in Windows 2016/2019. It seems to happen less with all-SSD storage.
- map loads being slow -- Please open a support request to ask us to check if there is heavy I/O on your machine. Also, I recommend double-checking to make sure that you have enough free memory; if your VDS is swapping to disk, or is generally RAM-constrained, it will be most noticeable when a server is game loading a map (which is when memory usage spikes a bit more, and the disk cache is leaned upon).
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Rencorner »

The server restarting thing: that was when I had first installed Filezilla client, it was the first file when that happened(at first I thought it just lagged out, but it was an actual server restart).

Code: Select all

(000012) 8/6/2019 8:56:21 AM - USER (IP)> 421 Connection timed out.
(000012) 8/6/2019 8:56:21 AM - USER (IP)> disconnected.
(000014) 8/6/2019 9:06:43 AM - (not logged in) (IP)> Connected on port PORT, sending welcome message...
That timestamp there is from the Filezilla server on our other box(it was one hour behind until now), so that would've been 9:56am Eastern NY time. I just set those times abit ago, the VPS from here was 3 hours behind as well.

I have been looking through the Windows Event logs, but I'm not really seeing anything stand out. One thing I did notice I am going to have to change the RDP port today, at that time when the server restarted there's a bunch of Chinese IPs trying to login. Had that a few times, they'd do it so bad on another it locked the server lol.

The RAM thing: it was sitting around 50% on 8-6-2019. That was a few days before I had moved more gaming consoles over to test them out. Atm things are sitting at 91% RAM, so I'll have to try and order more.

The only bandwidth screen I see in the control panel here just goes back 30 seconds/5 minutes/two hours.
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by TimeX »

The RAM situation would certainly be a concern. If you do see any further problems though, please open a help request with us so that we can take a closer look.
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by Edge100x »

Rencorner, I definitely agree that locking down the RDP configuration is best. Please don't hesitate to contact us directly if you have continuing performance concerns. We can explore many things on our end, and you'd only need to come to the forum if a software possibility is most likely (inside your VDS). If you would prefer to use the forum, this is the place to go: viewforum.php?f=44
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Re: NFO midsummer sale!

Post by lowvps »

code IZXOEX has expired.
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