Help with PHP error

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Help with PHP error

Post by Cromer17 »

Hi all,

I'm new at the forum but I have been using NFO since 2015 :)

I'm having my first problem with the server and I can't resolve it. Basically, I'm trying to install a software called "Dolibarr", maybe someone it's already using it here. After uploading all the files using the FTP and entering to my url I got a white site. If I go to the specific link for the installation I'm getting this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function load() on null in /usr/www/X/public/uy/X/install/index.php:41 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /usr/www/X/public/uy/X/install/index.php on line 41

According to that file, in that line it’s the following: “$langs->load(“admin”);”

I already checked the PHP version and it's not that the problem, this software works with PHP 5.5 - 7.4 and NFO it's running 7.2 so it's not that.

I asked to the community of Dolibarr and a mod told me the following:
"- Access rights: Could you check the user and chmod?
- File upload problem: How do you transfer the files?
- Php Open_base_dir restriction: What is your php configuration
In any cases, you are the only one to report this kind of problem so, the problem is on your server."

And it's right, the problem it's on the server because I tried uploading the same files in the same way to other two hostings in two different companies and in both runs well.

Can anyone help me to figure this out? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Help with PHP error

Post by Edge100x »

That one's going to require digging into the code to find what's going on, I think. The error message doesn't say much, but from it and your description, it sounds like some sort of variable isn't being loaded up properly, which could mean that the the configuration file can't be read. As the mod indicated, you should check the permissions on that file and make sure that it can be read by your user.

We don't define or restrict open_basedir in any way, so that's not it, unless you're doing that on your end (it can be changed by users).
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Re: Help with PHP error

Post by Cromer17 »

Hi Edge, thank you for taking your time to read.

What permissions should I give to the files? 700? To all the files or to the specific folder where the file can't be read?

I'm pretty newbie with permissions.

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Re: Help with PHP error

Post by Edge100x »

I recommend using the permissions-setting tool on the "File manager" page of the control panel to make sure that they are set appropriately.
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