Shot Registry

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Shot Registry

Post by ntbTaco »

I have been renting from you guys for a few months now (love it so far). Anyway, I have a 12 person private (CS 1.6) with ping accelerator, NYC location. I have noticed that during scrims/practice that alot of people have been complaining about the registration. I haven't had much of an issue with it myself, but others keep commenting on it. Is there anyway to look into this? Is there anything I can do to improve registry?

I can't ask others their rates because it is usually another team, and they all have their own settings.

One more question: how often are the servers rebooted? I know we have an option to restart our server, but I don't know if that does anything seeing as these are not dedicated servers.
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Post by bOoya »

The option in the control panel to restart the server just restarts your individual HLDS, not the entire machine.
As long as your server cycles maps regularly, restarts are not 100% necessary unless you are installing mods and such.

Most of the time, "registration" problems are due to people setting their rates to values that either their computer or internet connection cannot handle, thus creating errors with interpolation and the way the client communicates with the server. For individual problems like this, it is best to contact us through the 'Live chat' feature in your control panel so that we have direct access to your server and we can check up on it.
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Post by Edge100x »

If you contact us about this directly, we can also add you to our FPS monitoring system to get an idea of whether your server FPS is fluctuating. (FPS fluctuations can be caused by a variety of factors, and large or frequent dips usually lead to registry complaints.)

I'm not seeing any problems with any machines in NYC right now, and CPU usage appears low on each box, which is good.
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Post by freedomsquad »

Lol whats up taco yea iz me freedomsquad I just thought id add that most people that i know and you know all the poeple i know bassically and they all want to complain about shot registration when more then half the time it is not the server nor the rates it is infact them missing the shot lol

I't took me a while to relize this because i would spend more and more money hoping for better quality i infact got better quality then they still complained so That made me really angry lol. so i looked into it more nothing big just sat in spectate and watched the dail cry baby whine about reg play the game and i noticed he blatanly missed shots and blamed on shot rewgistration this would be Deathbybullets lol plus its not just him who do that its probably 90% of the people who play counter strike do it so anyways i got sick of it and told people if the have complaints shut up and report it on my forums lol and if they had a problem with the server and could not shut up then they could leave or i could remove them lol thats how i handled that sittuation.... evryone has ther own ways i guess.. ;)
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