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How to I enable SourceTV?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:59 pm
by aMies|NFo
To enable the built-in SourceTV you have two options;

Through your NFo Control Panel
  1. Click the Easy Setup tab in your control panel.
  2. Check the "Enable SourceTV" checkbox (This will expand with more options).
  3. Create a name for your SourceTV.
  4. Choose the desired maximum clients (up to 20).
  5. Choose the desired delay (typically 180 for leagues).
  6. If you wish to lock the SourceTV, check the box.
  7. If you wish to delay map changes until the whole game is broadcast, check the box.
  8. Click Commit Changes at the bottom to save your changes.
  9. Change the map or restart your server and the SourceTV will connect.
Manually in your server.cfg
To manually setup your SourceTV through your server.cfg you will need to insert the following commands:

Code: Select all

//Enable your SourceTV
tv_enable 1

//Name your server
tv_name "Nuclearfallout SrcTV"
//Set a password for your SourceTV (optional)
tv_password ""

//Delay map changes until the whole game is broadcast
tv_delaymapchange 0

//Delay time (in seconds)
tv_delay 10

//Maximum number of people that can connect (20 max)
tv_maxclients 1
For a full list of SourceTV commands, click this link