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Could someone please be kind enough to..

Post by Jamapple »

hook me up with a list of full rcon commands please!!

xox in advance
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Post by FBI »

go look it up on Google
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Post by Jamapple »

I have for sooo long, but never got a good complete list =/
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Post by Nick|NFo »

all right, heres my compiled list of rcon commands for all games off half-life, so theres some tfc stuff in here

I included the server cvars, most of them, because its a crucial part of rcon since you change the variables with rcon.

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The port is the port number of the server, e.g. 37051, and the password is the rcon password. E.g. if the rcon password was rconpassword, you would type: 

rcon_port 37051 

rcon_password rconpassword 

To see if this has worked, type in: 

rcon users 

Note that it is possible to rcon into a server even if you aren't connected to it; this is useful if you need to perform an rcon command but the server is full, or you are already connected to another server. To do this you need to specify the IP address as well as the other information. If the IP address were, you'd enter 


rcon_port 27035 

rcon_password rconpassword 

rcon users 

rcon users is a command where you can see who is on the server, and their won id’s and server numbers. It’s a very useful command, and one you will use the most. 

Upon typing this in, you will see something like this: 

userid : uniqueid : name

------ : ---------: ----

1 : 12345 : Player

3 : 56789 : N00bie

2 users

This opens up a number of options. Firstly, you need to have a pen and paper handy to jot down the userid, uniqueid (won number) and name. 

Kicking a user 

rcon kick # 

To remove someone from the server, you do an “rcon users” and then, upon finding the offender, you would type: (what you type is in bold – what is produced by the server in normal type) 

rcon users 

userid : uniqueid : name

------ : ---------: ----

1 : 12345 : Player

3 : 56789 : N00bie

2 users

rcon kick #1 

This would kick user 1, in this case Player would have left the server. (NOTE: The # sign on TFC is shift 3 (the £ sign on your keyboard)) 

Temporarily Banning a user 

rcon banid kick 

The temp ban is carried out again following an "rcon users", but you need to type in the ban time and the unique id. Temp bans range from "0" (permanent) upwards, so "1" would be one minute, "999" would be nine hundred and ninety nine minutes.


rcon users 

userid : uniqueid : name

------ : ---------: ----

1 : 12345 : Player

3 : 56789 : N00bie

2 users

rcon banid 60 12345 kick 

This would ban Player for 60 minutes, and kick him from the server. 

Permanently Banning someone 

rcon banid 0 kick 

rcon writeid 

You only issue a permanent ban exactly as you would do for a temp ban, except the time in mins is 0 e.g. rcon banid 0 12345 kick 

You would then need to write the ban to the server ban list, and typing rcon writeid does this. 

Changing the level: 

rcon changelevel 

For example: rcon changelevel well

This would change the map to well 

Restarting the Map: 

Rcon restart is the command to restart the map, useful if the map had been corrupted by an individual. 

Setting Prematch: 

To set Prematch, you need to put in rcon tfc_clanbattle_prematch followed by a time amount. This needs to be in conjunction with the tfc_clanbattle command. To set a prematch of 5 minutes, you would type the following: 

rcon tfc_clanbattle 1 

rcon tfc_clanbattle_prematch 5 

Changing Friendly Fire settings: 

To turn on friendly fire on a server, you need to firstly enable friendly fire by typing in: 

rcon mp_friendlyfire 1 

You then need to type in rcon mp_teamplay 1 for on or rcon mp_teamplay 21 for off. See below for full teamplay settings. 

A full list of rcon commands can be found below:

Command/Variable Name  Arguments/Default  Description  

+showscores   show pings and scores for all players on the server  

addip   adds an ip the server filterban list (0 minutes = permanent)  

banid  [kick]  ban player with id for minutes (0=permanent ban). Add 'kick' after user number to also kick the player off the server. See users, kick, writeid, removeid  

bgetmod   request batch mod status  

changelevel   load the map specified without disconnecting clients from the server  

changelevel2   load the map specified and continue the current game without disconnecting clients from the server  

cl_spectator_password  0  set the password for spectator access to a server  

cr_demoman   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_engineer   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_hwguy   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_medic   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_pyro   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_random   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_scout   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_sniper   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_soldier   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

cr_spy   set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed  

deathmatch  0  enable deathmatch mode  

decalfrequency   set how frequently clients can spray paint their logo  

default_fov  90  set the default Field-Of-View, smaller numbers zoom in, larger numbers zoom out (fish-eye style).  

dropclient   drop client from server (disconnect)  

edgefriction  2  set friction between players and walls or objects  

fullinfo   enable verbose user information display  

fullserverinfo   enable verbose server information display  

getcertificate   authenticates your cd key (by checking it with without joining a server  

heartbeat   send a heartbeat signal to the master server (set setmaster)  

hostname   set server hostname (the name that will appear in server browser lists, if setmaster is set)  

hostport  0  set host connection port  

ip  0  echo server ip  

ipx_hostport  0  set host port for IPX LAN game  

ip_hostport  0  set host port for TCP/IP LAN game  

kick   kick player from a server (server console or rcon only), Use the 'users' command to get a list of userid's and uniqueid's. See kick, banid, writeid, removeid.  

listid   list id numbers  

listip   list ip addresses in the filter ban list  

localinfo   show local info settings  

log   enable/disable logging (put 'log on' in autoexex.cfg, NOT server.cfg)  

logaddress   set address for logfile (to log to a remote machine)  

lservercfgfile   set listen server config file (default is listenserver.cfg)  

map   change to map half-life\tfc\mapname.bsp (.bsp not required) -- will disconnect any clients on the server, see changelevel and changelevel2 to change maps without disconnecting clients  

mapcyclefile   specifies the name of the list of maps to cycle through on a server, default is mapcycle.txt  

maps   list maps containing substring, * lists all  

maxplayers   set maximum number of clients allowed to connect to the server  

messagemode   prompt for a chat message to send to all clients connected to the server  

motd   display the message of the day (motd.txt) for the current server  

mp_allowmonsters   enable monsters in multiplayer mode (bots)  

mp_autocrosshair   enable aiming assistance for clients  

mp_decals  2000  set max number of decals to display in multiplayer (set lower for perfomance boost, but blast marks and logos will disappear sooner)  

mp_falldamage   enable realistic falling damage  

mp_flashlight   enable flashlights for clients  

mp_footsteps  1  enable footstep sounds  

mp_forcerespawn   enable automatic forced respawns for players  

mp_fraglimit   set the number of frags (by any single player) between map changes, see timelimit  

mp_friendlyfire   enable friendly fire in teamplay mode (mp_teamplay)  

mp_logecho  1  enable logging of echo commands  

mp_logfile  1  enable logging during multiplayer  

mp_teamlist   ?  

mp_teamplay   set teamplay mode flags -- set this variable to the sum of the numbers by the options you want enabled: 1=teamplay on (always set this for teamplay mode), 2=half-damage friendly-fire, 4=no damage friendly-fire, 8=half-damage friendly explosive, 16=no friendly explosive damage, 128=half-damage armor friendly-fire, 256=no damage to armor from friendly-fire, 512=half-damage armor friendly explosive, 1024=no damage to armor from friendly explosive, 2048=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 4096=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 8192=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 16384=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 32768=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 65536=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 131072=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 262144=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire.

A common setting used to deter spamming is 1 + 4 + 16 + 256 + 1024 + 2048 + 8192 + 32768 + 131072 = 175381  

mp_timelimit   set the time (in minutes) between map changes, see fraglimit  

mp_weaponstay   enable permanent weapons  

password  0  set private server password (0 = public server, anyone can join)  

path   display current search path for game files  

pausable  1  enable whether or not clients can pause server game  

ping   display name and ping of all clients connected to the server  

rcon  "commands"  remote console operation of a server. "commands" can be any console commands or variable settings. is required if the server password variable is set to anything except 0, unless client password variable is set to the same value  

rcon_address  0  set remote console ip address  

rcon_password  0  set password for remote console operation  

rcon_port  0  set remote console port  

reconnect   reconnect to the current server  

reload   reload current map  

removeid   Un-ban a user (remove the id from the ban list). See users, kick, banid, writeid, removeid  

removeip   remove ip from filterban list  

restart   restarts the current multiplayer map (remove decals, blood, bulletholes, scores, etc.)  

servercfgfile   set server .cfg file (default is server.cfg)  

serverinfo   display server information (variables flagged sv)  

setinfo   display model name, color settings, name, rate, and model crc  

setmaster   set the master server (server list manager) for the server, see heartbeat  

shutdownserver   shut down the server  

status   for each client list: user#, frags, name, frame rate, frame latency, ping, drop %  

stuffcmds   used to initialize client console commands from server  

sv_accelerate  10  set player acceleration  

sv_aim  0  enable aiming assistance for clients  

sv_airaccelerate  10  set in-air acceleration for a server (higher makes it easier to move while flying through the air or jumping, Mario Brothers - style)  

sv_airmove  1  enable clients ability to move in air  

sv_allowdownload  1  enable allowing clients to download maps and decals  

sv_allowupload  1  enable allowing clients to upload maps and decals  

sv_bounce  1  enable bounce pads  

sv_challengetime  15  set time to allow clients to complete connection  

sv_cheats  1  enable cheats  

sv_clienttrace  1  set client bounding box size (for collisions, not clipping)  

sv_clipmode  0  set client clipping mode  

sv_friction  4  set friction  

sv_gravity  800  set gravity (lower is less gravity, higher jumps)  

sv_lan  0  enable LAN server mode  

sv_logrelay  0  ?  

sv_maxrate  0  set the max data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value over 10000 defaults to 10000.  

sv_maxspectators  8  set max number of spectators  

sv_maxspeed  270  set max player speed (for ALL clients)  

sv_maxunlag  0.5  set the maximum number of seconds of lag the server will try to compensate for (if sv_unlag is 1). Suggested values are 0.3 to 0.6. Higher numbers will make high-ping players jump around more as their lag is compensated for.  

sv_maxupdaterate  60  set the maximum number of times per second to update clients  

sv_maxvelocity  2000  set max object velocity  

sv_minrate  0  set the min data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value under 500 defaults to 500.  

sv_minupdaterate  1  set the minimum number of times per second to update clients  

sv_newunit  0  ?  

sv_password  0  set server password  

sv_skycolor_b  0  set sky color blue value  

sv_skycolor_g  0  set sky color green value  

sv_skycolor_r  0  set sky color red value  

sv_skyname  0  set sky texture  

sv_skyvec_x  0  set sky x-axis orientation  

sv_skyvec_y  0  set sky y-axis orientation  

sv_skyvec_z  0  set sky z-axis orientation  

sv_spectalk  1  enable allowing spectator clients to chat  

sv_spectatormaxspeed  500  set spectator max movement speed  

sv_spectator_password  0  set spectator password  

sv_stepsize  18  set monster and player automatic step-up size (larger values allow auto-climbing of steeper slopes)  

sv_stopspeed  100  set the speed at which the server considers a player as beginning to stop (used for prediction)  

sv_timeout  65  set timeout inactivity limit  

sv_unlag  1  enable server lag compensation (keep this on and tell clients who prefer it off to use cl_lc 0)  

sv_unlagpush  0  enable server push lag compensation  

sv_unlagsamples  1  set the number of client ping samples to average together to determine the ping the server will try to compensate for (if sv_unlag is 1)  

sv_wateraccelerate  10  set in-water acceleration  

sv_wateramp  0  enable amplified (higher) waves in water; clients can set with gl_wateramp  

sv_waterfriction  1  set friction underwater  

sv_zmax  4096  set max zbuffer size  

team  0  enable team mode, see teamX_color and teamX_model  

team1_color   set team1 color, see team  

team1_model   set team1 model, see team  

team1_name   set team1 name, see team  

team1_skin   set team1 skin, see team  

team2_color   set team2 color, see team  

team2_model   set team2 model, see team  

team2_name   set team2 name, see team  

team2_skin   set team2 skin, see team  

tfc_adminpwd   set TFC administrator password ** not functional **  

tfc_autokick_time   set timeout inactivity limit  

tfc_autoteam   enable forced auto-team selection  

tfc_balance_scores   enable automatic team balancing by score  

tfc_balance_teams   enable automatic team balancing by number of players  

tfc_birthday   enable 'birthday' mode (explosives appear as presents)  

tfc_clanbattle   enable TFC clan battle (tournament) mode  

tfc_clanbattle_ceasefire   enable ceasefire mode if tfc_clanbattle = 1  

tfc_clanbattle_locked   enable locked (play) mode if tfc_clanbattle = 1  

tfc_clanbattle_prematch   enable prematch (practice) mode if tfc_clanbattle = 1  

tfc_fragscoring   enable inclusion of frags (and not just captures or area control) in team scores  

tfc_respawndelay   set respawn delay for TFC games  

tfc_spam_limit   set number of messsages per time (minute?) that will cause spam penalty  

tfc_spam_penalty1   set spam penalty level 1  

tfc_spam_penalty2   set spam penalty level 2  

upload   upload files to server  

user   list for specified user: model colors, name, rate, model crc  

users   lists user names, userid's, and uniqueid's for all clients connected to the server. Use to find number for kicking/banning problem players. Userid's are assigned serially as users join the server, but uniqueid's are unique numbers assigned to a single user -- use the uniqueid to permanently ban players. 

writeid   write a list of permanently banned id #'s to .\banned.cfg. 

writeip   write ip addresses to halflife\valve\listip.cfg
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Post by Nick|NFo »

heres the pdf made up

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Post by Jamapple »

thanks very much all!
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