How do I set custom MX records?

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How do I set custom MX records?

Post by Edge100x »

To specify different mail (MX) servers for your domain:

1. Go to the Domains page in your control panel.
2. For the subdomain whose MX servers you wish to be changed (usually "@"), click the down-arrow to right of the "Where it points" box. This expands a section with additional options.
3. Check the box next to "Use custom MX entries (advanced users only; email accounts here stop working)".
4. Enter up to five custom MX entries:

* The box on the left of each line represents the priority of an entry; external mail servers sending mail to yours will always use the lower-numbered entries first, and only try higher-numbered entries if lower ones are unreachable.
* The box on the right is where you enter the DNS to use for the custom MX entry. For instance, you might enter ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM, if you are using Google for your mail.
* If your email provider gave you more than five MX servers to enter, just enter the five with the lowest priorities.
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