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How do I get rid of a persistent hacker?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:17 pm
by kraze
We see reports of customers who have persistent hackers, who continue to evade SteamID bans and IP bans. The easiest way to solve your problem is to due whats called a subnet ban. A subnet ban is when you ban an entire IP range from your server without needing to enter hundreds of IP addresses.

The easiest way to do subnet banning is via your NFO control panel on the server control page;

1. Open your NFO control panel and proceed to your game
2. Click "Server Control" Then expand "Rcon Tool"
3. Type "Status" in to the box and hit enter

When you type status you will see a list like so;
# 1 "XXXXX" 1512 STEAM_0:1:21568404 15 15:38 13 0 24.584.157.113:43621
# 2 "XXXX" 1507 STEAM_0:0:8078577 12 17:47 19 0
# 3 "XXX" 1533 STEAM_0:1:2754871 1 00:34 5 0 153.194.489.56:27005

What is bold is the user IP. You only need the IP and not the port.

4. Copy the users IP and save it somewhere so you can proceed with the banning process
5. Open your banlist and find the cheaters other IPs.

To open your ban list type "Listip" in to console and hit enter

You should be presented with something like this;

74.115.213. 95 : permanent
74.115.213. 74 : permanent
74.115.214. 52 : permanent

Now you need to find the similarities between all of the users IPs and apply a subnet ban accordingly. In this case the first two octets are 74.115 and do not seem to be changing, However his last two octets are what is changing. Now what you will need to do is replace the changing octets with "0' and and apply a ban normally.

6. addip 0
7 Type "writeip" then "listip" to write the ip to the ban list and listip to make sure the ban stuck in real time.

**WARNING** Subnet banning is a very powerful tool and should not be used lightly. If used incorrectly you can literally ban entire states or countries from connecting to your server.