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How do I change client talk power?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:54 pm
by kraze
Client talk power is a feature of TS3 that allows you to specify which users can talk in which channels by setting a specific talk power (0-?).

Setting a Specific Channel's Talk Power:

1. Right click on a channel > Edit Channel
2. On the first tab under "Moderation" enter a value
3. Hit "Apply" and "OK"

Changing a Users Talk Power:

1. Select "Permissions" at the top > "Client Permissions"
2. Either drag and drop the user over the "Client database" box or enter his unique ID.
3. Expand "Client" > "Basics"
4. Right click over "Client Talk Power" and select "Add Permission"
5. Set the same value as the channel or higher

Note: Server admins are automatically assigned a value of a 100.