autoexec.cfg (my version) breaks the server???

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autoexec.cfg (my version) breaks the server???

Post by commandertediz »

i upload this via filezilla using plain FTP encryption. The server will not start after i load mine. any ideas?

default autoexec:

Code: Select all

log on
// allow direct connections
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
// if you want your server to be private, uncomment the following line and set the password in server.cfg
map l4d_hospital05_rooftop
my autoexec:

Code: Select all

//Bad Tediz Auto Execution File
//Developer: Commander Tediz
//Last Update: 04-01-2012

//-----> Start Logging

//Logging enabled
log 1

//-----> Server Core Settings

//Rcon Stuff
rcon_password "***********"

//Name Of Server
hostname "Bad Tediz"

//Set Steam Group ID
sv_steamgroup 1004871

//Allow direct connections
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

//If private, uncomment and set sv_password in server.cfg

//Player slots, repeat in server.cfg
maxplayers 16
sv_visiblemaxplayers 16
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Re: autoexec.cfg (my version) breaks the server???

Post by commandertediz »


If I put in the exact same information via the 'File Manager' option of the cpanel, the server runs fine. Maybe an issue with file permissions or corruption?
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Re: autoexec.cfg (my version) breaks the server???

Post by Edge100x »

You forgot to load a map in your custom autoexec.cfg.
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Re: autoexec.cfg (my version) breaks the server???

Post by commandertediz »

Thank you =)
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